Class of 2027

Marshia AhsanMarshia Ahsan

  • Hometown: Manchester, Connecticut
  • Major: Public Policy
  • Minor: Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
  • Marshia is a current sophomore. This year she plans to declare her major in Public Policy while also pursuing a minor in Arabic language! On campus, you can find her in Wilson Gym lifting, in Ruby Arts dancing with her dance team (Bull City Raas) or doing Taekwondo with Duke Club Taekwondo. Her goal for the future is to one day attend law school and become a practicing attorney.

Rosemina Ayieko Rosemina Ayieko

  • Hometown: Migori County, Kenya
  • Major: Biomedical Engineering
  • Rosemina is a sophomore currently working as a Resident Assistant serving first-year undergraduates in Southgate Residence Hall.  While she is majoring in Biomedical Engineering, she is also pursuing a pre-health pathway and picking up a minor in Chemistry along the way.  Last summer, she worked as an ASCEND coach with DukeLIFE, pursued an internship working on software programming, data collection, and website development with the Duke Catholic Center, and took summer classes on campus.  When she is not serving her residents on East Campus, you can find her shadowing a surgeon or engaging with her faith community through Christians on Campus.

Jeffrey Bohrer Guerra Jeffery Bohrer

  • Hometown: Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Majors: Statistical Science and Chemistry
  • Minor: Biology
  • Jeffrey is a current research assistant and undergraduate supervisor at Varghese Lab. He is double majoring in Statistical Science and Chemistry with a minor in Biology and is on the pre-medical track. He can often be found volunteering at hospitals, playing live music at different venues in Durham, or reading sci-fi! Aspires to pursue orthopedic surgery in the future and plans to pursue an MD/PhD program in the future.

Avantika Chopra Avantika Chopra

  • Hometown: Gurgaon, Haryana, India
  • Majors: Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics
  • Avantika’s interests include working on physics simulations with the Duke Hyperloop Club; coordinating engineering projects with Mission:Brain; leveraging microcontrollers to create innovative solutions; playing the Piano and learning music theory; and reading books from a variety of genres.

Catherine Nachalwe Catherine Nachalwe

  • Hometown: Lusaka, Zambia
  • Major: Undeclared
  • Hobbies and Interests: My hobbies are singing, dancing, plaiting hair, playing soccer, netball, and volleyball.
  • Cathy is interested in biology, environmental science and policy, and development studies. She is eager to combine these interests to address the issue of climate change and pollution on the environment. To be specific, I want to understand how changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere as a result of human activities, such as combustion, deforestation, and pollution influence climate variability which adversely impacts biodiversity in the ecosystem. She is loves doing research and spent her summer doing an environmental Justice project in her home country. On campus she is programming chair in Duke Africa, a Kenan Fellow, and a a member of Duke Chorale. In her free time, She loves to dance, sing, play guitar, play soccer, or go to the gym. Her future goals are a lot , but overall she wants to emerge victorious in the path that she has chosen to take academically.

Sarah Tandon Sarah Tandon

  • Hometown: Sterling, Virginia
  • Major: Computer Science
  • Minor: Classics
  • Certificate: Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Sarah is a sophomore undergraduate student from Sterling, Virginia. She is interested in understanding how technology can be applied to advance various fields, exploring its impact on classics, education, biology, and more. Her ultimate goal is to make a meaningful impact by developing innovative technological solutions that empower disadvantaged communities to grow and thrive. Beyond the classroom, Sarah is involved with DUU, DTech, The Cube, InventHers, and Bull City Scholars. She can’t wait to learn and explore more on campus.

Manahil Tariq Manahil Tariq

  • Hometown: Lahore, Pakistan
  • Majors: Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science
  • Certificate: Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Hobbies and Interests: I like to go for walks and look forward to exploring the Sarah P. Duke Gardens this year. Usually, I unwind in my room curled up with an iPad, doodling digital art accompanied by Taylor Swift or Rahat Fateh Ali Khan in the background. I also love to read and am excited to find a cozy place on campus to make my reading nook.
  • Manahil’s academic interests include Software Engineering, Cybersecurity, Data Science, and Machine Learning. Besides that, tech equity, education equity, and women’s rights are passions of hers.  From SPIRE and SWE to Theta Tau and Penny Pilgrim George Women’s Leadership Fellowship, Manahil is involved across campus in areas that excite her. Her blooming love for Documentary photography has led her to create a book (as a result of an Independent Study) focusing on life in a Pakistani village. It explores the role of women, the growing exodus from Central Punjab villages and its link to cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and her personal story of leaving a village and being a first generation immigrant in the US. Similarly, she’s also led a summer research experience where she created machine learning models to detect anomalies in network traffic. She is now involved in another cybersecurity research project with a policy lean with the Sanford School.

Holy Tuwila Holy Tuwila

  • Hometown: Northolt, England
  • Major: Economics
  • Holy enjoys playing and watching sports. Friends and family mean a lot to him so any scenarios that he gets to go out and hang with them are extremely fun. He also like watching documentaries on new topics so he can be immersed in something he doesn’t know much about.  Holy serves as co-vice president for diversity, equity, and inclusion for the Duke student group Delta Sigma Pi, whose mission is to educate and empower students in the business and professional worlds.

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