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About the Program

Turkish Studies at Duke focuses on language acquisition, interdisciplinary courses, expert speakers/conferences, and study abroad options.

Recognizing the central place of Istanbul and Turkey in geopolitics between Europe and the Middle East, Duke Turkish Studies aims to introduce students to the culture, religion, and politics of this vital region and track them through instruction with renowned faculty. For incoming students, exposure to Turkish and Ottoman cultural history begins with The Middle East and Islam in Global Contexts FOCUS cluster and continues through language acquisition, study abroad, and the Turkish minor (acquired by completing two language and three content courses) housed in the Asian & Middle East Studies Dept. Duke Turkish Studies students have gone on to receive prestigious grants such as Fulbright, to graduate programs in policy and Middle Eastern Studies, and to careers as varied as consulting and teaching.

The Turkish Program offers three levels of language study, in addition to a variety of content courses in different disciplines. Students may acquire a minor in Turkish or learn Turkish as part of their Middle East majors or minors. For further information, please visit AMES.

There is a vibrant Turkish community in the Triangle area. With monthly lectures, conferences and film screenings, Turkish Circle serves a platform for social and scholarly exchange. Here are the selected previous events.

See here what our current students think about their experiences on studying in Turkish!