Duke Regeneration Center (DRC) was established to enhance discovery and applications in the broad field of tissue regeneration. DRC is pleased to announce availability of funding to support travel grants for students to present their work at scientific conferences. The award will cover conference-related expenses such as registration fees, airfare or other transportation costs, and lodging. Awardees may combine the funds from this award with funds from other sources. The maximum amount of each travel grant will be $500 and will be disbursed as a reimbursement. Application deadlines for this year are May 1, 2023 and October 1, 2023. Award announcements will be made within one month of deadline. A maximum of 10 awards will be made per calendar year.
Our goal is to support Duke undergraduate, medical, or graduate students’ research and professional development by providing opportunities to present research in the broad field of tissue regeneration. We encourage applications from Duke students in all disciplines related to tissue regeneration.
Eligibility requirements:
- Applicants must be currently enrolled as a graduate, undergraduate, or medical student at Duke and must still be enrolled at the time of the
- The work being presented must have a clear focus on a field related to regenerative biology and medicine.
- Applications must be submitted prior to conference dates; no retroactive travel awards will be
- Awardee needs to present a poster or talk
- Awardee will also present a poster or talk at Triangle Regeneration Symposium in the current or following year
- Student must be a member of a DRC affiliated lab
Awardees are expected to acknowledge DRC support in materials including posters, powerpoint presentations, and abstracts associated with the meeting. Receipts are required for all expenses and only registration fees, travel, and lodging associated with the conference are eligible for reimbursement. If travel is canceled or unused funds remain, the funds must be returned to DRC.
How to apply:
To be considered for an DRC travel grant, please submit the items below as one PDF file
to regenerationcenter@duke.edu. In the subject line of your email, please write “DRC Travel Grant application – your name”.
Application should include:
- Cover Page – include applicant name, mentor name, title of abstract, and title and date of
- Provide a budget including the total costs for attendance to the meeting and how the DRC travel grant would be applied.
- A one-page maximum description of your primary purpose of travel and its relevance to your research (11 point font, 1 inch margins). The description should clearly state how participating in the event will help advance your research, scientific knowledge, and professional development. Your application should indicate that you are working in the research area covered by the meeting, and show the relevance of your research to the field of tissue
Additionally, a letter of support from the PI should be emailed directly to regenerationcenter@duke.edu. In the subject line, please include “DRC Travel Grant – Applicant name”. The letter should describe the student’s role and involvement in the research project and state why the mentor supports the travel grant application.
Questions about this callout or application process may be directed to Amy Jackson