November 16th at 7:30pm
Duke University’s Page Auditorium
FREE Concert!
Mark your calendars today for the upcoming Interfaith Music and Poetry event at Duke’s Page Auditorium. Students and others from all across the Triangle are invited to a FREE concert on November 16th at 7:30pm! The hope is to gather together for an evening of music and to explore the ways in which music can help us to come together! The evening features music from…
Dan Nichols, a Jewish artist
Dawud Wharnsby, a Muslim artist
David Lamotte, a Christian artist
David Lamotte has been a key organizer of the event (and long-time friend of many Presbyterians!). He writes this about his hopes for the evening:
It seems like hate speech among many faiths, but the Abrahamic faiths in particular, has been on the rise in the last couple of years. Between the Koran-burning preacher, the Westboro Baptists and Mel Gibson, there’s plenty of bigotry going around. What is encouraging, though, and much less reported, is how much relationship building has happened in response to those kinds of events. Faith leaders and adherents have been awakened to the fact that we need to know each other better, and have been taking action to address that. The most effective way to oppose bigotry and hatred is not to tear down the haters and bigots, but to build community.
This concert has no more lofty goal than this—to come to know each other better, to support each other and celebrate our common humanity as children of the God that all three faiths worship. It’s easier to hate imaginary people than real ones. When we come to know each other, our common humanity stops being a laudable idea, and begins to be a simple perception.Yes, there are more complicated conversations to be had, but they will go better if we begin with the common respect and compassion that can come out of events like this.
This evening is an opportunity to build bridges by building relationships and to come together not just as a Duke community but as broader communities of faith seeking respect and understanding.
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