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From Questions to Faith

There are two things I’ve noticed as I’ve walked around campus and talked to students the past few weeks:

1) College campuses are a great place for stirring up questions.
2) Once you raise a question, the goal is to answer it and act on it…immediately.

So what does it mean for Christians to stir up and explore questions, without always come to an immediate answer?  Are we being unfaithful to sit with our questions rather than acting immediately?  I hope not.

The last few weeks at Westminster Fellowship, we have been exploring faith questions raised by members of the group.  Do we have to believe everything in the Bible?  Are we supposed to read the Bible literally? And if not, what exactly do we mean by interpretation?  How can God be both loving and just?  Why does it seem like God has a different character in the Old Testament than in the New Testament?  These are rich questions that shape how we read scripture, how we come to know God, and therefore how we respond as Christians.  So, rather than jumping quickly to answers and touting them as right, we have committed to exploring these and other questions raised by students when we gather on Sunday nights this fall.   I pray that in the midst of these conversations, we might be shaped to live faithful lives and to respond from a place of deeper conviction and faith.

You too are invited!  Multiple perspectives enrich the conversation, so bring your questions, doubts, and convictions as we openly explore these questions.  7:30-9:00 on Sundays in the Duke Chapel Basement.  Come and check it out!


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