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Here are some examples of situations people may want to text us about:

You are having trouble balancing your time between extracurriculars and classes.

You are feeling overwhelmed about a class.

You are worried about COVID-19, and it seems like everyone else has moved on.

Your best friend is being an ass.

You are struggling with your identities on campus.

You're not sure who to talk to about your mental health.

You are not sure what is next after you graduate.

You are concerned about the health of your relatives back home.

You are struggling to maintain your independence or peace while living with family member(s).

You are having trouble finding your people at Duke.

You are having a really lonely moment.

You are experiencing microaggression from an individual(s) based on your race, socioeconomic class or sexual orientation.

You are stressed by others' political affiliation(s) or beliefs.

You are questioning your sexual orientation.

You are unsure how to obtain learning and testing accommodations for your classes.

You are in a tough situation and are having trouble locating the right resources.

You and your roommate just don't get along.

You know how to eat in West Union, but it’s just too expensive.

All your friends rushed and you feel alone.

You can’t find the Reuben-Cooke building, but your class is really in Social Sciences.

You haven’t told anyone yet about the sexual assault you experienced and want to talk about it.

You’re in a relationship that is starting to seem threatening.

You’re working several jobs, on top of your classes, to support your family and no one seems to understand.