It is our goal to provide a tax preparation environment that is both efficient and safe for our clients and volunteers. In planning our season we must comply with CDC, state and local guidelines. Additionally, as most of my volunteers are Duke students or employees, we must adhere to Duke’s direction regarding gathering size and location.
After extensive conversation with the IRS, community partners and host organizations, we have determined to suspend our regular services for the upcoming tax season. We will instead partner with Reinvestment Partner’s Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) at Northgate Mall. Please visit their website at for details on hours of operation, forms, etc. Duke Law volunteers will prepare tax returns through their virtual platform. 2020 returns accepted until April 9, 2021.
TAC has many options available to work with clients. Much of this information along with the necessary forms are available on their website. One of their services uses an encrypted email service that could allow you to complete the entire process virtually. That includes signing the documents. This service would require access to a scanner. Please note that there are several free or low-cost scanner apps available for smartphone users.