Olivia Hicks

Author's posts

Sundance Release Radar: After the Wedding

Julianne Moore and Michelle Williams shine in Bart Freundlich’s gender flipped remake.

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Terrence Malick From Top to Bottom

In celebration of his 75th birthday, we’re ranking all 8 of the director’s narrative features.

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Netflix’s Best December Additions for the College Student

Not your typical Christmas list. 

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Netflix’s Best November Additions for the College Student

Five picks. Five different genres. Five must sees for this month. 

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DIFF Review: Blaze

Ethan Hawke assumes the director’s chair and delivers one of the most interesting and endearing biopics in recent memory.

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DIFF Review: Non-Fiction

Olivier Assayas’ follow up to Personal Shopper is a thought provoking exploration of changing times, changing lives, and love.

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DIFF Review: The Sisters Brothers

Pulp Fiction heads west. ​

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DIFF Review: The Favourite

The Favourite lives up to, and even exceeds expectations.

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DIFF Review: Suspiria

This film is taking no prisoners.

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DIFF Review: The Man Who Killed Don Quixote

Terry Gilliam’s long awaited feature may get a little too lost in La Mancha here and there, but it’s still one hell of a ride.

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