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Category Archives: Intermediate Hindi 203
Literacy Access in India
India has had a long history with illiteracy, although the situation has improved in recent years. This podcast is about why increasing literacy access is important and a solution that might work for India.
भारत का लम्बी इतिहास की निरक्षरता बारे में है। लेकिन हाल के साल में स्थिति सुधरी है। यह पॉडकास्ट क्यों साक्षरता दर सुधारना ज़रूरी है और एक हल कि शायद सफल हो जाए भारत के लिए के बारे में है।
Mental Health of Orphaned Children in India
India has approximately 30 million orphans, which is almost 5% of the total youth in the country. Children living in orphanages are a socially vulnerable group that is neglected from mainstream society. This podcast will talk about certain challenges that orphaned kids experience.
भारत में लगभग तीन करोड़ अनाथ हैं । यह भारत के सभी बच्चों का पाँच प्रतिशत है। अनाथाश्रम में रहने वाले बच्चे समाज से अलग हैं।यह पॉडकास्ट अनाथ बच्चों की कुछ समस्याओं के बारे में बात करेगा।
Changing City Names in India
As modern India as we know it has come into its current form over the last century, it has gone through a variety of changes. As an emerging independent state in the 20th century, many Indian cities had their names changed to represent this new identity. India stepped into its own. As Indian politics and culture approaches another inflection point in its history, the question of changing the names of cities. What do these name changes represent about the state of Indian culture and society today?
The Persistent Wealth Gap: Unveiling India’s Religious Disparities
India’s wealth gap, accentuated among Muslims, highlights deep disparities in access to resources and basic services, echoing global financial inequalities observed in countries like the United States.
प्रदूषण और भारत के पंचामृत
India is the world’s third largest producer of carbon emissions. The air quality in some parts of India can get so bad, that breathing the air is the equivalent of smoking a pack of cigarettes. That’s why at the COP26, The UN’s 2021 climate change conference, Prime Minister Modi committed India to 5 initiatives to combat climate change. The 5 promises are known as the panchamrit. They are large commitments and fulfilling them will require significant changes in energy production and consumption.
भारत तीसरा बड़ा प्रदूषण फैलाने है।वायु इतनी बुरी है कि सास लेने पंद्रह सिगरेट पीने जैसा है।इसलिए COP26 पर प्राइम मिनिस्टर मोदी ने पॉंच वादे किये। इस वादे का नाम पंचामृत है । यह पंचामृत बड़े और मशिल काम होगे और पंचामृत कटम करने में भारत का ऊर्जा उत्पादन और उपयोग उन्नति करने चाहिए।
पान खाने से होता है सेहत को नुकसान
Chewing paan (a.k.a. betel nut, betel quid, areca nut, gutkha, or paan masala) is common practice in India, but the World Health Organization has found that it can cause cancer, particularly oral cancer. This is because paan often contains 2 carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals): tobacco and the areca nut (“supari”) itself. Not only are these chemicals cancerous, but they are also addictive. It is important for Indians to be aware of the health risks of paan and to reduce its consumption.
भारत में काफी आम बात है पान, गुटखा, या पान मसाला खाना | लेकिन पान चबाने से लोगों को कैंसर हो सकता है, W.H.O. के अनुसार | पान में सुपारी और तंबाकू, दोनों अक्सर पाए जाते हैं, और दोनों से कैंसर पैदा होता है | इस वजह से, जरूरी है कि भारत के लोग पान के नुक्सान के बारे में जानें और उसको खाना कम करें |
भारत में खाना और जाति
This podcast is about caste issues. Historically, in India, certain foods have carried specific meanings. Upper and lower castes had access to different foods, creating a hierarchy related to diet. Lower caste people have seemed dishonorable to the upper castes partly due to the variety of food they ate. While the meaning of food has changed for many, lower caste people still face this stigma.
भारत में काले-गोर का भेद भाव – Spandan Goel
This podcast talks about the state of colorism in India and its effects on the Bollywood entertainment industry, education, and employment in India. I begin with an explanation of how colorism traces back to British colonization, where the ideology of “fair being better than dark” was popularized. This idea has carried on into the Bollywood entertainment industry, with skin-lightening products like “Fair and Lovely” being endorsed by Bollywood celebrities and Bollywood songs containing lyrics and dramatic portrayals with obvious preferences for light skin over dark skin. Colorism also affects education and employment, as educators and employers still have preferences for light-skinned individuals over dark-skinned individuals.
पॉडकैस्ट: चावल का निर्यात प्रतिबंध
In my podcast, I talk about India’s recent ban on exporting rice. I discuss three motivating reasons for the ban — economics, word events, and climate change — and how the ban could affect other countries in Asia. I also focus on the effect on India’s farmers and the general population, many of whom are struggling to pay for basic food due to poverty and recent inflation. After this discussion, I introduce opinions for and against the ban. Then, I offer a possible compromise for slowly easing the ban and returning to normal when the situation improves.
मेरे पॉडकैस्ट में, मैं भारत में चावल का निर्यात पर प्रतिबंध बात करता हूँ। मेरे गंवार से तिन कारण इस प्रतिबंध के लिए होते हैं − अर्थशास्त्र, दुनिया में हाल की घटनाएँ, और वातावरण। मेरे फ़ोकस भारत की किसानों पर है, और कैसे इस प्रतिबंध उसकी मदद कार सकता है। मैं अलग-अलग लोग के विचार के बारे में बात करता हूँ, और भी एक समझौता इस समस्या के लिए।भविष्य में मैं सुझाव देता हूँ।
भारत में ग़रीबी है
My podcast is about poverty in India. It addresses the problem itself, some potential solutions, my opinion, and the opinion of others. Poverty in India is a widespread issue, and there are multiple existing methods to attempt to help it. However, these methods have not yet solved the problem. We must continue to find solutions and implement them so that the poverty rate in India can dramatically decrease.
अपने पाड्कैस्ट में मैं भारत में ग़रीबी के बारे में बताऊँगी। मैं ग़रीबी की समस्या, समाधान और राय के बारे में बात करूँगी।भारत में गरीबी एक बड़ी समस्या है।समस्या ज्यादातर गांवों में है।बहुत सारे लोग इसे ठीक करने के लिए काम कर रहे हैं।bh