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Impact of the Son Preference on Women’s Health in India
There is a strong son preference ingrained in Indian society, which has directly impacted the quality of women’s health and education. This podcast discusses the reasons behind the son preference and how it contributes to the high mortality rates of of Indian women.
भारतीय समाज में सब लोग बेटे चाहते है, और यह सोच औरतें की सेहत और शिक्षा की गुणवत्ता पर गहरा प्रभाव हुआ। यह पाड्कैस्ट में हम बेटों को प्राथमिकता देने के कारण के बारे में बात करेंगे, और यह भारतीय औरतों की मौतें में कैसे योगदान देता है।
India’s Growing Tech Industry
India continues to emerge as a significant player in the global technology sector. This podcast will dive into some of the reasons why international tech giants are choosing to open offices in Indian cities, and what this can mean for the future of India-US relations as India becomes a major force in IT services.
Casteism in India
An overview of the caste system in India is presented. Some brief history of the construct and important activists are also covered. A few of the issues associated with caste discrimination are also discussed.
भारत में, बहुत जातिवाद है। शहरों में जातिवाद कम है लेकिन गांव में यह बड़ी समस्या है।
Literacy Access in India
India has had a long history with illiteracy, although the situation has improved in recent years. This podcast is about why increasing literacy access is important and a solution that might work for India.
भारत का लम्बी इतिहास की निरक्षरता बारे में है। लेकिन हाल के साल में स्थिति सुधरी है। यह पॉडकास्ट क्यों साक्षरता दर सुधारना ज़रूरी है और एक हल कि शायद सफल हो जाए भारत के लिए के बारे में है।
Woman Labor Force Participation in India
India has one of the largest young populations in the world and is undergoing a new economic revolution with new opportunities. However, these opportunities are not able to be accessed by everyone such as women. There is a cultural faux pas when it comes to women participating in the labor force, which I aim to discuss further.
Mental Health of Orphaned Children in India
India has approximately 30 million orphans, which is almost 5% of the total youth in the country. Children living in orphanages are a socially vulnerable group that is neglected from mainstream society. This podcast will talk about certain challenges that orphaned kids experience.
भारत में लगभग तीन करोड़ अनाथ हैं । यह भारत के सभी बच्चों का पाँच प्रतिशत है। अनाथाश्रम में रहने वाले बच्चे समाज से अलग हैं।यह पॉडकास्ट अनाथ बच्चों की कुछ समस्याओं के बारे में बात करेगा।
The Persistent Wealth Gap: Unveiling India’s Religious Disparities
India’s wealth gap, accentuated among Muslims, highlights deep disparities in access to resources and basic services, echoing global financial inequalities observed in countries like the United States.
Female Education in India
This podcast is about the education system in India. Girls in particular are not encouraged to leave the home, due to the patriarchal standards still adhered to by most men in India. Upon menstruation beginning, most girls feel too ashamed to go to school for long periods of time and instead stay in the village. By preventing women from getting educated, there is a risk of lack of diversity of thought. Girls should go to school and pursue higher education.
Caste Discrimination in the United States
Caste is three thousand years old and prevalent in South Asia. Caste discrimination has even resulted in violence. Many South Asians live in the United States, and caste discrimination can follow into their new country. This podcast will discuss Caste discrimination in the United States
जाति तीन हज़ार साल पुरानी है दक्षिण एशिया में । जाति के भेदभाव की वजह से हिंसा होती है । बहुत दक्षिण एशिया के लोग यूनाइटेड स्टेट्स में रहते हैं और जाति का भेदभाव अमेरिका में भी होता हैं । इस पाडकास्ट में मैं अमेरिका में हो रहे जाति के भेदभाव के बारे में बात करूँगा ।