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Pollution Doesn’t Discriminate… but We Do

Air pollution is a major problem in highly populated cities and countries. It is has a large impact on human health and it does not discriminate against who it impacts. However, at the same time that India is dealing with health impacts from air pollution, it is also suffering from a major crisis due to the impacts of the caste system which affects all aspects of an individuals life from what jobs they can hold, where they can go, and importantly where they can live. Together, caste and air pollution are two major problems that when interacting, result in an issue that can’t be ignored.

हवा का प्रदूषण बहुत समस्या है अक्सर बड़ा शहर और देश | हवा का प्रदूषण सारा लोग की सेहत प्रभाव करता है | भारत का लोग जाति भी प्रभाव किया जाता है | जाति ज़िंदगी के सारा खंड जेसे आप कहाँ काम करते हैं , आप कहाँ जाते हैं  और भी आप कहाँ रहते हैं | हवा का प्रदूषण ओर जाति साथ साथ ज़्यादा बड़ा समस्या बनाते हैं |

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