Second quarter 2016 GIM funding awards

Congratulations to these general medicine faculty members who are recipients of recent research funding!

  • Hayden Bosworth, PhD has received an award from Improved Patient Outcomes, Inc. for a project entitled “Utilization of an innovative intervention to improve medication adherence and clinical outcomes in gout patients.” Total funding will be $135,422.
  • Jeffrey Clough, MD received a 2 year award funded by the AHA for $149,163 entitled, “Variability in Clinician-Patient Risk Discussions for Using Statins and Association with Statin Prescription”. The project seeks to further our understanding of how the 2013 ACC/AHA cholesterol guidelines are implemented in real-world practice by examining the association between clinicians’ beliefs and attitudes with decisions to initiate statin therapy.
  • Julia Gamble, a nurse practitioner in the DOC clinic, has received an award from the Project Access of Durham County for a project entitled “Durham Medical Respite Pilot Program Expansion.” Total funding will be $4,865.
  • Paul Lantos, MD received a $20,000 grant from Duke University’s Educational and Research Initiatives in China (ERIC) program. ERIC funding is intended to help faculty develop innovative education and research programs at the Duke Kunshan University campus and other areas in China.
  • Shelby Reed, PhD, has received an award from Janssen Research & Development, LLC for a project entitled “Treatment Resistant Depression – US.” Total funding will be $443,671.
  • Helene Vilme (Postdoctoral Research Fellow) (Mentor: Leigh Boulware) has received an award (3R01-DK098759-05S1) from the National Institutes of Health for a project entitled “Potential Barriers and Facilitators to Living Donor Kidney Transplantation Among Black Americans.” Total funding will be $89,040.
  • Leah Zullig, PhD (PI) received $50,000 from the Duke Cancer Institute for the pilot study “Using a Geriatric Oncology Assessment to Link with Services (GOAL)”. The co-investigators are: Hayden Bosworth, PhD (GIM), Gretchen Kimmick, MD (Oncology), Ivy Altomare, MD (Oncology), Linda Sutton. MD (Oncology) and Rebecca Shelby, PhD (Psychiatry).
  • Leah Zullig, PhD is also a co-investigator of a new CTSA “Carolinas Collaborative” project between Duke, Wake Forest, and UNC Chapel Hill, receiving $75,000 for their project entitled “Harmonization of Patient-Reported Outcomes Across Three CTSAs: Leveraging EHRs to Enable Comparative Effectiveness Research to Improve the Quality of Cancer Care”. The goal is to integrate and harmonize patient reported outcomes into cancer care across three electronic health records. The Duke Team also consists of the principal-investigator Syed Yusuf Zafar, MD (Oncology) and co-investigator Thomas LeBlanc, MD (Heme-Onc).


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