Author's posts
NLM Offering Career Development Award in Biomedical Informatics (due September 7)
The National Library of Medicine’s Career Development Award (K01) in Biomedical Informatics will provide support and up to three years of protected time for an intensive career development experience in biomedical informatics leading to research independence. This award will contribute up to $85,000 plus fringe benefits per year toward the salary of the career award …
Farewell Reception for James Tulsky on June 24
A farewell reception will be held for James Tulsky, MD, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, June 24, on the 6th floor of the Trent Semans Center. recognizing his 22 years of service to the division, the Schools of Medicine and Nursing, and Duke Palliative Care. If you wish to attend, please RSVP …
Faculty Spotlight: Laura Caputo, MD
One of the newer members of the division of General Internal Medicine, Laura Caputo, MD, has hit the ground running, serving as a full-time hospitalist at the Durham VAMC, starting the internal medicine book club and serving on the hospital ethics committee. In this week’s faculty spotlight, Caputo talks about her work, her research on …
Duke Ahead Offering Grant Funding (due August 21)
Duke AHEAD is now project funding for its members who are also on faculty from the School of Medicine or Nursing. This funding will provide critical start up support for projects aimed that provide innovative approaches to instruction or assessment. Duke ahead will fund three projects of up to $10,000 and four projects of up …
Lantos Authors Article on Alternative Treatments for Lyme Disease
Paul Lantos, MD, was the lead author of a recent review article examining how unusual, often dangerous therapies are marketed to treat patients who believe they have Lyme disease. The article, published in the June 15 issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases, examined the range and extent of alternative treatments aimed at this vulnerable population. Lantos’ team identified …
Your Publications Needed for this Week’s Grand Rounds Presentation – Please respond by June 4!
Mary Klotman, MD, Chair of the Department of Medicine, will be sharing high-impact publications published by faculty from the division of General Internal Medicine in this week’s Department of Medicine Grand Rounds presentation. This will be a critical opportunity for the division to demonstrate the breadth and the depth of the division’s research accomplishments. Please email …
SoM Faculty Development Releases Upcoming Event Schedule for Summer
The School of Medicine Office for Faculty Development is offering several upcoming events on a monthly basis. Subjects of these seminars range from building effective scientific presentation skills to writing winning grants. Read the full summer schedule.
DOCK Holding Third Annual Symposium on June 25
The Duke O’Brien Center for Kidney Research (DOCK) will hold its third annual DOCK Symposium from 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 25, in the Great Hall of the Trent Semans Center. Speakers include Ebony Boulware, MD, MPH, Julia Scialla, MD, and Chris Newgard PhD. Register, or read the full agenda.
Zipkin to Take on Leadership Role for IM Residency Program in Ambulatory Care
Daniella Zipkin, MD, has accepted the position of Associate Program Director for Ambulatory Care in the Duke Internal Medicine Residency Program. Zipkin will begin working in this position, currently occupied by Alex Cho, MD, MBA, on July 1. “I can’t say enough good things about Dr. Zipkin in this role,” said Cho. “A passionate and …
Faculty Spotlight: Daniella Zipkin, MD
2015 has been a whirlwind year for Daniella Zipkin, MD. In addition to her normal duties, Zipkin contributed to four sessions at this year’s SGIM meeting in Toronto in April. This summer she also will be taking on the role of Associate Program Director for the division’s residency program in ambulatory care. In this week’s …