Author's posts
Department of Medicine Launches New Website
This June, the Department of Medicine launched a new website for all its divisions, including the division of General Internal Medicine. This site features all-new content and organization, and it will continue to be updated as needed. Over the next several weeks, news affecting the division will gradually transfer over to the new site’s Division …
Faculty Spotlight: Megan Jordan, MD
Nicaragua, a country of more than 6 million people, has just five palliative care specialists to its name. Megan Jordan, MD, hopes to change that. In the two years she has been at the division of General Internal Medicine, Jordan has been visiting the country every six months to broaden education, help train health care …
Jackson, Williams Write Commentary on PCMH for JAMA Internal Medicine
George Jackson, MD, MHA, and John W. Williams, Jr., MD, MHSc, wrote an invited commentary on the benefits of patient-centered medical homes (PCMH) for the latest issue of JAMA Internal Medicine. “Does PCMH ‘Work’?-The Need to Use Implementation Science to Make Sense of Conflicting Results” discusses the findings and limitations in the current research in …
Reminder: June 12 is DoM Photo Day
The Department of Medicine photographer will take free professional portraits of faculty members this Friday, June 12, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in Duke Medicine Pavilion room 2W93. If you don’t have a recent profile photo on your faculty page, please make an appointment with Elizabeth McCamic or stop by for a drop-in session.Search your …
Duke Science and Society Offering Fall Fellowship in Communication in Medicine and Science
Duke Science and Society is offering its SciComm Fellows Program once again in 2015. This program helps faculty and postdocs to develop communication skills and put those skills into action. Participants will explore the benefits of communicating science; develop speaking, writing, and storytelling practices for diverse audiences, learn to answer difficult and controversial questions from …
Updated CKD Meeting Schedules Posted for Summer 2015
The speaker schedules for the division’s Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Health Policy Research Interest Groups and Jackson Heart CKD Working Groups have been decided. Both of these meetings are held on Thursdays, from noon-1 p.m. Jackson Heart CKD Working Group (1st and 3rd Thursdays, GIM Main Conference Room) – to attend, or for a WebEx call-in number, …
Wright Recognized for 30 Years of Service
Congratulations are in order for Division Business Administrator Lisa Wright, who was recently recognized for her 30th year of service at Duke. Wright started at Duke in December 1985 as a level-5 secretary in Human Resources, Rewards and Recognition. Before coming to the division in 2012, Wright worked in additional locations within Duke, including as the …
Duke AHEAD Offering Interdisciplinary Workshop Series on Precision Medicine
The Duke Academy for Health Professions Education and Academic Development (Duke AHEAD) is offering an interdisciplinary collaborative workshop series that will provide knowledge and skills essential to practicing precision medicine. The six-session series will run on Tuesdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Duke Medical Pavilion starting August 25. CME credit will be …
Duke AHEAD 2015 Grant Funding Available (due August 21)
Duke AHEAD is now offering project funding for its members who are also on faculty from the School of Medicine or Nursing. This funding will provide critical start-up support for projects aimed that provide innovative approaches to instruction or assessment. Duke ahead will fund three projects of up to $10,000 and four projects of up …
NIH Funding Research in mHealth Tools to Improve Communication, Adherence, and Self-Management (due September 7)
The NIH is funding research to develop, test, and compare Mobile Health (mHealth) tools that improve patient–provider communication, adherence to treatment or self-management of chronic diseases in underserved populations. Research projects that examine underserved populations are especially encouraged. Applications are due by September 7. Read the full announcement.