Lalita: Thank you GHC

I applied to go to GHC with Duke because I wanted to learn more about the tech world and I would have to say it was the right decision. The GHC helped me become more confident about my qualifications but also showed me that I have a lot of work to do to stay competitive in the tech world. Since I recently decided that I wanted to pursue CS I still do not know what aspect of CS excites me the most  and I have been very nervous about that. However, GHC had very helpful sessions like speed mentoring where I met several women who offered advice about how I can find my niche in the tech world. Also,  the Career Fair provided tangible examples of what my role in CS can be.


Thank you to everyone who made this trip possible. GHC has been a very helpful and memorable experience!

Lalita: Career Fair

Today I spent more time at the Career Fair. The Career Fair was  a bit overwhelming but I became very comfortable speaking about myself and asking the right questions. The recruiters were very friendly and helpful whenever I did ask a question. They also gave away more free stuff!

I also had an interview with one of the companies at the fair today. It was a bit stressful since it was the first technical interview I had.

One of the highlights of the day was winning a free iPad! Yahoo hosted a breakfast and I was the lucky guest that had the winning raffle ticket.

Lalita: We’re here!

After I got settled in my hotel room, I decided to start my day at Grace Hopper by attending a few workshops. When we got there we checked in and  received a bag full of great freebies from many of the companies at Grace Hopper. The first workshop I went to focused in on creating a tech specific resume. This was pretty helpful because it stressed resume pointers that I do not usually pay much attention to. The other workshop was also tailored to searching for a job/internship. My biggest take away from this workshop was to make sure I always have the best web presence and to always push myself to network.

Lalita: Getting Ready

I always knew that I was interested in Math and Science but when I came to college I was unsure of what I wanted to study. Luckily, towards the end of my freshman year I decided that I wanted to major in Computer Science. Most of the tech world is new to me so I am spending a great deal of time learning about it and trying to find out what I am most interested in. I was excited to go to Grace Hopper because it seemed like a good opportunity to learn more about the industry and meet women who are experienced in this field.