Hello, Chemistry Graduate Students and especially first years!

Welcome to Duke Chemistry. We’re extremely excited to have you!

We wanted to inform you of an event that will be occurring at French on October 10 – the Graduate Chemistry Research Symposium – and invite you to attend. The event will feature talks by current graduate students, two keynote speakers, and a poster session to end the day.

All first years are strongly encouraged to sign up, as we believe the symposium offers you a unique opportunity to integrate yourself into departmental culture early on. See what other labs are doing, support your fellow graduate students, have good conversation over a free lunch!!

We believe that you particularly stand to benefit from the wide range of scientific talks which will be happening during the symposium. The symposium can expose you to research at all stages – from second year to fifth year and beyond – and from all disciplines. Members of all labs in the department are encouraged to participate, so take the opportunity to hear about all kinds of research. Including research happening in labs you didn’t sign up to rotate with.

New this year is the opportunity for first years to present at the poster session! Have research from undergrad you’d like to share? Sign up! However, you don’t have to present to attend, so if you’re not inclined to share don’t let that discourage participation.

Also, there’s free stuff for those who attend (if that’s any motivation).

So, first years, we invite you to the seventh annual Graduate Chemistry Research Symposium. Mark your calendars and take this opportunity to hear good science, eat free food, and integrate yourselves into Duke Chem culture. We hope to see you there!

~ Lindsay and Jacob