Joining the listserv:

If you missed the interest form provided at the activities fair, then please email one of the AMWA co-presidents ( or to be added to the listserv. 

Joining an AMWA Family:

If you want to be in an AMWA family (a med student with 1-2 juniors/seniors and 2-3 freshmen/sophomores), then you have to be an active member of AMWA. You can do this two ways:

1) Attend regular meetings


2) Email your committee chairs to ask how you can help with what the committee is planning. Even if they don’t have something specific for you to do, asking counts as being active.

Once you are an active member, you can sign up to join an AMWA family. Families will be organized during the Fall semester by the AMWA mentorship committee. The sign-up form will be sent out around the beginning of the Fall semester to the AMWA listserv.