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Get to Know Lacey Hudspeth! [October 2022]

Title: Librarian for Research, Engagement, and Instruction

Library/Department: Duke Divinity Library

Location: West Campus, Divinity Library

Years at Duke: Four

In a nutshell, what do you do at Duke University Libraries? 

I manage Divinity reserves, meet with classes to teach research skills, meet with students and faculty one on one to assist their research, co-direct Duke Divinity Pride, and serve on a few Divinity and DUL committees.

If you had to pick one thing, what’s the best part of your job so far?

Hands down my favorite part of my job is working with students one-on-one or teaching research skills to classes. We joke that I’m the most extroverted librarian on our staff, and it’s true—the best part of my job is the constant interaction with students and faculty. That said, the Divinity library also has a bunny named Hildegard (check out her staff page here!), and it’s a constant joy to share an office/library space with a bunny!

What the best thing you’ve read/watched/listened to recently?

I’ve been reading aloud A.S.Byatt’s Possession with a friend, and that’s been wonderful! And, I recently watched and loved the show Heartstopper on Netflix, which is  a warm and delightful queer comedy.

What do you like most about living in The Triangle?

Guglhuph Bakery, Bahn’s vegetarian special, and all of the ways in which Durham folks take care of other Durham folks.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I go to a lot of live theater at PlayMaker’s in Chapel Hill, go hiking on the Eno, and I enjoy working with Durham’s community refrigerator projects.