Judge Gerald Bard Tjoflat Chapter

Author: Brent McKnight Jr. Page 1 of 5

Duke Law Federalist Society Wins 2020 D.O.N.E. Award for Outstanding Contribution to Civic Discourse

Each year, Duke Bar Association gives out the Duke Noteworthy and Outstanding Endeavors (D.O.N.E.) Awards in recognition of students and organizations at the law school. This year, Duke Law Federalist Society was awarded the Outstanding Contribution to Civic Discourse Award, which recognizes the Duke Law organization that made the biggest impact on providing a forum for engaged civil dialogue for students and professors.

In addition to the chapter’s award, FedSoc 3L and past president Michael Wajda won the award for Outstanding Contribution to Duke Law.

The full awards announcement can be found here.

Duke Law’s Professor Stephen Sachs Wins 2020 Joseph Story Award

Professor Stephen Sachs of Duke Law was awarded the 2020 Joseph Story Award by the Federalist Society. The annual award is given to “a young academic (40 and under) who has demonstrated excellence in legal scholarship, a commitment to teaching, a concern for students, and who has made a significant public impact in a manner that advances the rule of law in a free society.”

The award is named for Justice Joseph Story, who became a sitting Supreme Court justice in his thirties, taught at Harvard, and wrote the Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States.

In accepting the award, Professor Sachs explained that he wanted to become a lawyer following his dad’s example. Lawyers can “go into a library, do some research, make an argument — and the hope is, at the end of it, the world would be different.”

To read the full announcement, click here. The full text of the award presentation and a video and text of Professor Sachs’ acceptance, is available here. Congratulations to Professor Sachs!

Duke Federalist Society a Finalist for Two Awards!


Federalism and Sanctuary Cities

From Defending Executive Orders to Navigating the Judicial Confirmation Process

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