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Kosher Kitchen


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Kosher Kitchen

Is it Kosher?

Meaning “fit” in Hebrew, kosher refers to a set of Jewish dietary laws from the Bible as interpreted by rabbis in the Talmud, written commentary that began some two thousand years ago.

To Be Kosher:

  • An animal must both chew its cud and have a cloven (divided) hoof. So cows are kosher, but pigs are not.
  • Fish must have both scales and fins. So tuna is kosher, but lobster is not.
  • Animals must be killed painlessly by a schochet, a ritual slaughterer, and then drained of blood.
  • Milk and meat cannot be cooked or eaten together.
  • Dishes and utensils for dairy and meat must be kept separate.

Only a minority of American Jews follow the kosher laws, but the word has become common slang, meaning “legitimate” or “fair.”


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