You are cordially invited to attend the TSL Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk by Dr. Harper Staples on Mapping and analyzing multilingual student identities in the European context: outcomes and implications for learner engagement and wellbeing at noon on Friday October 22, 2021 (China Standard Time).
Location: CC 1095. Zoom link will be sent to remote participants. Bring your own lunch and enjoy the talk! Snacks and bubble tea provided.
RSVP by 5 pm China Standard Time Thursday October 21 :
Students encouraged to engage their identities in their foreign language learning are more likely to be successful in their acquisition and, in addition, will also be better supported in their broader social development (Taylor, 2013). However, there is still a paucity of research that considers the impact of the multilingual repertoire upon learner identification, despite the recognition that most students in today’s compulsory education contexts already possess knowledge of more than one language when entering the classroom.
In this presentation, I will outline both methodology and outcomes from my recent PhD study, which took a comparative, mixed methods approach to the question of multilingual student identity development with participants from schools in Finland, France and the United Kingdom. I will present one way in which learner self-concept can be usefully mapped and operationalized, as well as discussing the findings (and pedagogical implications) that emerged.
The TSL brown bag lunch research talk is open to all members of the DKU community and beyond who are interested in engaging in a conversation about research projects, either a published work or a work-in-progress, broadly related to languages, cultures and intercultural communication. If you are interested in participating either as a speaker or as audience, please fill out this survey: or contact Dr. Zhang Xin (