Third Space Lab Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk on Languages, Cultures and Intercultural Communication #2

Third Space lab (TSL) invites you to attend the second brown bag lunch research talk by Dr. Chen Mengtian (Language and Culture Center) on Reflective teaching through online Chinese as a Second Language courses during Covid-19: Experiences of beginning teachers at universities in China at noon on Friday Nov. 20th, 2020 (China Standard Time)

Please RSVP by 5 pm China Standard Time Thursday Nov. 19:

Location: CC 1095. Zoom link will be sent to remote participants. Bring your own lunch and enjoy the inspiring conversation! Light snacks and bubble tea provided—please be sure to RSVP.

The TSL brown bag lunch research talk is open to all members of the DKU community who are interested in discussing and engaging in a conversation about research projects, either a work-in-progress or a recent publication, broadly related to languages, cultures and intercultural communication.

If you are interested in participating either as a speaker or as audience, please fill out this survey with your availability and potential topics/work you’d be interested in discussing:

Student speakers are welcome but are encouraged to consult the TSL co-directors first. We will arrange in-person and hybrid sessions depending on the responses. Contact or Dr. Zhang Xin ( for inquiries.