Friday April 17
9pm China Time/ 9am EST
Zoom Meeting ID: 873-243-562
The second Zoom lecture of bi-weekly Media Art Speaker Series is scheduled on Friday April 17th, 2020 at 9am (US Eastern) / 9pm (China Central) and features Beijing-based curator and researcher Jo Wei. This series is organized and hosted by Prof. Benjamin Bacon and Prof. Vivian Xu, and supported by the Division of Arts and Humanities and the Humanities Research Center at Duke Kunshan University.
This event is open to the public.
媒体艺术系列讲座第二场定于2020年4月17日中国时间晚上9点(美国东部时间早上9点)。这次请到的是策展人、研究者魏颖。媒体艺术系列讲座由Benjamin Bacon教授和Vivian Xu教授策划组织,并由昆山杜克大学艺术与人文学科提供支持,每两周一次在Zoom线上开讲。
BioArt and Pan BioArt – With Exhibition Quasi-Nature as Case Study
In this session of the Media & Arts Speaker Series, Jo Wei will be introducing the concept of BioArt via her curatorial work Quasi-Nature (2019), introducing important artists and their works in this field, in reflection of origins and historical development of the biological arts. The talk will also address the idea of “Pan BioArt”, which points to not only the utilization of science and technology in the arts as tools, but also a combining of culture, society and philosophy on various levels. “Pan BioArt” has the potential to incorporate different cultural perspectives, specifically combining both traditional and modern Chinese (East Asian) ideology, and not merely follow in the footsteps of the Western origins of “BioArt”.
讲座以“生物艺术”(BioArt)为主题,通过展览《准自然》(Quasi-Nature)叙述该领域的重要作品和代表艺术家,来重溯其简史和思想来源。讲座也将概述“泛生物艺术”(Pan BioArt)不局限于仅将科技作为艺术的实践工具,而让两者在文化、社会和哲学等更多维度结合;“泛生物艺术”可以拥有多元文化语境下的声音,以传统和现代的中国(东亚)文化思考创造,而不只遵循“生物艺术”建立之初的单一西方化视角。
Speaker Bio

Jo Wei is a curator and researcher, and is also the founder of the Pan Bio-Art Studio (PBS). Wei is currently a researcher of Art, Science and technology(AST) in the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA). Her recent research interests include AST in a posthuman context, Bio Art, AI and Ecological Art, etc.
Among the list of her many curations are Quasi-Nature:Bio Art, Borderline, Laboratory(2019) , Towards the Emergence of Resistance: The Eye of Representation(2016) and When Forms do not Become Attitude (2016). Wei was in the curatorial team of Ars Electronica in Shenzhen(2019), and Ethics of Technology (2016) and Post-Life (2018), respectively part of the first and second editions of the Beijing Media Art Biennale. She is also an International Adviser for the European Commission’s 2019 STARTS Prize.
魏颖是一位策展人、研究者。现为中央美术学院科技艺术研究员, 也是“泛生物艺术工作室” (PBS) 的创始人。她于2018年获得“Hyundai Blue Prize”(中国青年策展人艺术大奖), 她近期的研究及兴趣方向为后人类语境下的科技艺术,包括生物艺术、人工智能与生态艺术等。
她策划的项目包括《准自然——生物艺术、边界与实验室》(2019,现代汽车文化中心)、《抵抗的涌现:表象之眼》(2016,泰康空间)和《当形式不成为态度——生物学和当代艺术的相遇》(2016, 中央美术学院美术馆)等。她参与策划的展览包括《科技艺术40年——从林茨到深圳》(2019)、第一届北京媒体艺术双年展“技术伦理”(2016)和第二届北京媒体艺术双年展“后生命”(2018)等。她也是欧盟科技艺术奖STARTS的国际顾问(2019)。
Below are some of Jo Wei’s works: