Superdeep #22: “Wild Experiment: Feeling Science & Secularism After Darwin” (Donovan Schaefer, UPenn) | Jan 11, 6:04pm

IB 2026

What’s better than to start the new year & semester on a Wild Experiment? Join Superdeep in welcoming Donovan Schaefer (University of Pennsylvania) for a discussion of his eponymous monograph (Wild Experiment: Feeling Science & Secularism After Darwin), & comments by James Miller (…& food & drink).
Thu Jan 11, 6:04pm, IB 2026.

For companion events with Prof Schaefer that week, consider also his:
– University Colloquium: Feeling is Believing: A New Approach to Conspiracy Theory (Tue Jan 9, 4:00-5:30pm AB 1087), and
– (for faculty or staff members) Faculty Development and CTL Workshop: The Affective Academic: Reflecting on Embodied Research and Pedagogy. Thursday 3:30-4:30pm, Library Tea House. For the latter Professor Schaefer asks that you kindly read the circulated text on cogency theory and the intellectual passions in preparation for the workshop.


The Workshop is Superdeep‘s venue for philosophical work-in-progress research & practice. For more info or to submit proposals for the Workshop, follow this link; for more info on Superdeep more generally, follow this one.

Superdeep is sponsored by DKU’s Humanities Research Center.