Third Space Lab is Seeking Digital Media Assistants

DKU Humanities Research Center’s Third Space Lab is recruiting undergraduate Digital Media Assistants, one for print and one for video, to support Dr. Emma Chiocca & Dr. Stephanie Anderson on a multilingual book and video project on stories for children.

Applications due date has been extended to April 18, 2022. Please submit them to
See applications under each position.

Position title: Digital Media Assistant (Print)
Position job description: DKU Humanities Research Center’s Third Space Lab is recruiting a Digital Media Assistant (print) to support Faculty on an interdisciplinary and multilingual project. This position requires expertise in formatting text and images, text editing, and assistance in managing the sharing and distribution of content via social media. The project involves creating an “anthology” of short stories for children in multiple languages. This role will use tools and technologies associated with editing text and images. This role will also require excellent communication and interpersonal skills, to provide the best possible experience for everyone involved in the project. This position can be done remotely.

Learn more about the position:  TSL Digital Media Assistants – Anthology – Job Description
TSL – Student Worker – Print – Application

Position title: Digital Media Assistant (Video)

Position job description: DKU Humanities Research Center’s Third Space Lab is recruiting a Digital Media Assistant (video) to support Faculty on an interdisciplinary and multilingual project. This position requires expertise in video recording and editing and assistance in managing the sharing and distribution of products via social media. This role will use tools and technologies associated with creating, editing, displaying and communicating digital media, ideally including film, audio, subtitles (English and Chinese) and images. This role will also require excellent communication and interpersonal skills, to provide the best possible experience for everyone involved in the project. Due to the nature of the recordings and interactions, the Digital Media Assistant will need to be located in Kunshan for at least the duration of the recording process (until the end of the Spring 2022 semester). The editing can be done remotely.

Learn more about the position:  TSL Digital Media Assistants – Anthology – Job Description
TSL – Student Worker – Video – Application


Third Space Lab Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk

You can now watch the recording of this past event here:

You are cordially invited to attend the TSL Brown Bag LunchResearch Talk by Dr. Sun Yachao and Dr. Ge Lan on Translingual studies on writing: Its research trends and pedagogical implications.

Date/Time: Friday, March 25, 2022, Noon-1 pm (China Time)
Speakers: Dr. Sun Yachao and Dr. Ge Lan
Location: Zoom link will be sent to remote participants. 

Bring your own lunch and enjoy the talk! Snacks and bubble tea provided—please be sure to RSVP. 

Please RSVP by 5 pm China Standard Time Thursday March 24 :



Yachao Sun is an assistant professor in the Language and Culture Center at Duke Kunshan University. His research interests include multilingual writing, translingual studies, multimodal composition, and corpus linguistics. His work can be found in TESOL Quarterly, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, English for Specific Purposes, and System, among others.

Ge Lan is an assistant professor in the department of English at the City University of Hong Kong. His research interests include corpus linguistics, natural language processing, second language writing, and English for academic purposes. He has published in Journal of Second Language Writing, TESOL Quarterly, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, and English for Specific Purposes, and so on.



Translingual theories have been proposed and implemented to respond to the increasing linguacultural diversity in today’s classrooms. However, the ‘trans-’ concepts have elicited some concerns and the findings of ‘trans-’ pedagogies vary from facilitating to undermining teaching and learning. This presentation will introduce the research trends and pedagogical implications of translingual studies on writing by analyzing peer-reviewed journal articles published from 2011 to 2021, during which ‘trans-’ studies on writing experienced rapid development in its conceptualization and implementation.


The TSL brown bag lunch research talk is open to all members of the DKU community and beyond who are interested in engaging in a conversation about research projects, either a published work or a work-in-progress, broadly related to languages, cultures and intercultural communication. If you are interested in participating either as a speaker or as audience, please fill out this survey: or contact Dr. Zhang Xin (

Continue reading “Third Space Lab Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk”

Student Report: Third Space Lab’s Guest Speaker Series 

Dr. Chad Hoggan: The Varieties of Transformative Experience

By Hantian Zhang
Class of 2025

On December 3rd, 2021, Dr. Chad Hoggan was invited as the speaker to Third Space Lab’s “Guest Speakers Series” to speak about “The Varieties of Transformative Experience.” As an Associate Professor of Adult & Lifelong Education at North Carolina State University and the Co-editor of the Journal of Transformative Education, Dr. Hoggan does research on significant learning experiences in adulthood.

Continue reading “Student Report: Third Space Lab’s Guest Speaker Series “

Season Finale! Third Space Lab Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk: Laura Davies

You are cordially invited to attend the TSL Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk season finale by Laura Davies on Intercultural engagement at Duke Kunshan University: an evaluation of first year student experience and perception in times of restricted mobility at 3:30 pm on Friday Dec. 10th, 2021 (China Standard Time).

Location: CC 1095
Zoom link will be sent to remote participants. Snacks and bubble tea provided—please be sure to RSVP.

Please RSVP by 5 pm China Standard Time Thursday Dec. 9th :

Continue reading “Season Finale! Third Space Lab Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk: Laura Davies”

Third Space Lab Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk: ZHANG Minghao (Rainie)

November 19, 2021
Noon-1pm (China Time)

You are cordially invited to attend the TSL Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk by ZHANG Minghao (Rainie) on The Fallacy of Fossilized Language Learners: An updated understanding of fossilization and a longitudinal case study of an advanced adult learner of Mandarin at noon on Friday Nov. 19th, 2021 (China Standard Time).

Location: CC 1095. Zoom link will be sent to remote participants. Bring your own lunch and enjoy the talk! Snacks and bubble tea provided—please be sure to RSVP.

Please RSVP by 5 pm China Standard Time Thursday Nov. 18th :

Continue reading “Third Space Lab Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk: ZHANG Minghao (Rainie)”

Dec. 3 – Third Space Lab – Guest Speaker Series – Chad Hoggan – The Varieties of Transformative Experience

Dear all,

You are cordially invited to the guest lecture of the Third Space Lab by Associate Professor Chad Hoggan (North Carolina State University) on The Varieties of Transformative Experience.
We hope you will join us!
Please RSVP here:

Date: December 3rd, 2021

Time:  10 pm (China time) / 9 am (EST) / 3 pm (Berlin time)

Zoom Meeting ID:      248 487 9248

Presentation Description:

This presentation traces the history of transformative learning theory within the discipline of adult education. It presents a new metatheory of transformation based on the vast scholarship that has arisen around transformative learning. Included in this metatheory are definitions and criteria to distinguish transformative learning from other types of learning, a typology of transformational outcomes, key components of the transformation process, conceptual tools by which to analyze different types of transformation, and implications for practice.

Continue reading “Dec. 3 – Third Space Lab – Guest Speaker Series – Chad Hoggan – The Varieties of Transformative Experience”

Nov. 5 Third Space Lab Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk: Joseph Davies

You are cordially invited to attend the TSL Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk by Joseph Davies on Developing Learning-focused Feedback Practices: An Evaluation of English for Academic Purposes Teacher Feedback Literacy at a Sino-Foreign University at 3:30 pm on Friday Nov. 5th, 2021 (China Standard Time).

This talk is hosted online. Join Zoom Meeting:

Please RSVP by 5 pm China Standard Time Thursday Nov. 4th.

Handout and recommended readings are available for interested audience:

Continue reading “Nov. 5 Third Space Lab Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk: Joseph Davies”

Portraits of Third Spaces: Your DKU/Kunshan/Durham Story – Narrative Contest

Your time studying at DKU, returning “home,” or living abroad may have been filled with unique and fascinating experiences; the Third Space Lab invites you to share them with the world!

Submit your personal narrative about intercultural or international experiences for a chance to win recognition and prizes. Topics could include such things as culture shock, finding yourself in another culture, new understanding of your own cultural background, your sojourn during the pandemic, your growth as a global citizen, or other intercultural or international themes. Submissions in other languages than English are welcome if they are accompanied by their an English translation.

Please submit your written narratives (up to 5000 words) to Chi Zhang by December 20 ( Various formats are acceptable, including personal narratives, scholarly self-analyses, short stories based on your experiences, poems, and others.

Three narratives will be selected by a panel of DKU students, faculty, and staff. Information about prizes will be shared soon!

Winners will be announced in January.

TSL Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk | Dr. Harper Staples Oct. 22

You are cordially invited to attend the TSL Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk by Dr. Harper Staples on Mapping and analyzing multilingual student identities in the European context: outcomes and implications for learner engagement and wellbeing at noon on Friday October 22, 2021 (China Standard Time).

Location: CC 1095. Zoom link will be sent to remote participants. Bring your own lunch and enjoy the talk! Snacks and bubble tea provided.

RSVP by 5 pm China Standard Time Thursday October 21 :

Continue reading “TSL Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk | Dr. Harper Staples Oct. 22”

TSL Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk | The Multi-Sensory Star Culture in the Late Qing and Early Republican Periods: A Case Study of the Snuff Bottles Featuring Tan Xinpei’s (1847–1971) Image

You are cordially invited to attend the first Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk in the fall semester by JI Wenting on The Multi-Sensory Star Culture in the Late Qing and Early Republican Periods: A Case Study of the Snuff Bottles Featuring Tan Xinpei’s (1847–1971) Image at noon on Friday September 17th, 2021 (China Standard Time).

Please RSVP by 5 pm China Standard Time Thursday September 16th :

Location: CC 1095. Zoom link will be sent to remote participants. Bring your own lunch and enjoy the talk! Snacks and bubble tea provided—please be sure to RSVP.


The TSL brown bag lunch research talk is open to all members of the DKU community and beyond who are interested in engaging in a conversation about research projects, either a published work or a work-in-progress, broadly related to languages, cultures and intercultural communication.

If you are interested in participating either as a speaker or as audience, please fill out this survey with your availability and the potential topic/work you’d be interested in discussing: