The Media & Arts Speaker Series at Duke Kunshan University is a bi-weekly event that invites leading practitioners in media and arts to speak about their work and practice and engage with our DKU community.
The fourth miniseries of talks looks at the concept of the lab, both as a philosophy and a methodology to see how these innovative approaches have impacted and transformed the production of culture, art and society.
The lecture scheduled on Friday March 26th, 2021 at 6pm China Central time features V2_Lab for the Unstable Media Lab Director Boris Debckere and Curator Florian Weigl. They will present their philosophy, methodology, research and practice at the intersection between art, technology and society. This series is organized and hosted by Prof. Benjamin Bacon and Prof. Vivian and supported by Arts and Humanities and the Humanities Research Center at Duke Kunshan University. This event is open to the public.
Location: Duke Kunshan Innovation Building 1042
Zoom: 262-835-7204
V2_Lab for the Unstable Media
V2_, Lab for the Unstable Media is an interdisciplinary center for art and media technology in Rotterdam (the Netherlands). V2_ presents, produces, archives and publishes research at the interface of art, technology and society. Founded in 1981, V2_ offers a platform for artists, designers, scientists, researchers, theorists, and developers of software and hardware from various disciplines to discuss their work and share their findings. In V2_’s view, art and design play an essential role in the social embedding of technological developments. V2_ creates a context in which issues regarding the social impact of technology are explored through critical dialogue, artistic reflection and practice-oriented research. Continue reading “Media and Arts Speaker Series | V2_Lab for the Unstable Media”