Event Report: The Professional Divide Between Writing & Language Studies in the US: History, Epistemology, and Implications for DKU

On Friday Nov. 2nd, the Third Space Lab (TSL) invited Prof. Tyler Carter from the Language and Culture Center to give a talk at the Brown Bag Lunch Talk event.

Dr. Carter provided an overview of the socio-historical development of English writing and foreign language instruction in the U.S with a focus on the development of the process approach to writing instruction, the audio-lingual approach to language instruction, and a series of key historical events in US higher education reform during the 1960’s. This talk was based on his newly published paper “Apples and Oranges: Toward a Comparative Rhetoric of Writing Instruction and Research in the United States” in College English. As an addendum to the talk, Laura Davies from the Language and Culture Center offered her perspectives on the British system of writing and language and the implication for the DKU context.

The event was well received by the audience, including more than 30 faculty, student and staff members of the DKU community. The speakers and the audience engaged in an excellent discussion of how the different developmental trajectories of wiring and language studies across the globe have an impact on the ideologies,  pedagogical practices, and professional advancement of faculty in and beyond the DKU context. The event was organized and hosted by Prof. Zhang Xin, assistant professor of Chinese and Intercultural Communication, and co-sponsored by the Humanities Research Center (HRC) and the Language and Culture Center (LCC).

Report on Reading Group for “Embracing Diversity: Developing Cultural Competence for Inclusive Education”

On Friday, November 10, 2023, DKU faculty, staff, and students were invited to our second reading group on “Embracing Diversity: Developing Cultural Competence for Inclusive Education”. This time, our discussion focused on Nuno Nodin’s “Queering the Curriculum. Reflections on LGBT+ Inclusivity in Higher Education.” This text was selected for two main reasons. First, it underscores the challenges that (LGBT+) students and staff still face regarding acceptance and integration, potentially influencing their learning and teaching experiences. Second, the text discusses the relevance of LGBT+ inclusivity in pedagogy and how it can be incorporated into higher education, providing examples from a specific discipline.

Around 18 participants, including both familiar faces and newcomers, attended the reading group event. Through the one-hour session, DKU faculty members and students shared personal encounters and anecdotes related to their experiences with the LGBT+ community. They discussed how their attitudes toward their “coming out” professors and students changed before and after reading the text. The sharing of personal experiences and anecdotes sparked discussions and raised awareness of the risks that LGBTQ+ students and staff face when trying to be themselves and coming out in professional space. Furthermore, the participating students shared their opinions on the inclusive pedagogies they would prefer their professors to adopt in class. Although there was not enough time to discuss the last question: What are your recommendations on how DKU can foster a more inclusive environment, encouraging understanding and empathy among both students and faculty members?, we plan to continue these conversations in our future events.

The event was organized by Zhenjie Weng, Assistant Professor of English Language Education, and Yanan Zhao, Senior Lecturer of English for Academic Purposes, from the Language and Culture Center. The event was sponsored by the Humanities Research Center, covering the fees for event promotion and refreshments for attendees.


Understand, Predict, and Enhance User Behavior in Mixed Reality

Nov 21st 10-11 am

Meeting ID: 520 960 7561

Guest: Dr. Yukang Yan

Assistant Professor at University of Rochester / Postdoctoral Researcher at Carnegie Mellon University


My research focuses on the enhancements in human computer interaction in Mixed Reality. As the integration of digital and physical worlds through Mixed Reality expands the interaction space beyond traditional screens, it has a significant impact on how users perceive and interact with the world and themselves. Through conducting user studies, I aim to observe and model the behavioral and perceptual patterns of users as they interact with Mixed Reality. Based on these findings, I design and develop interaction techniques that are tailored to these behavioral changes in order to facilitate user input and information display. These techniques include multimodal input methods utilizing hand gestures, head movements, and facial expressions, as well as adaptive user interfaces that take into account the user’s mental state and environmental context to optimize information display. Additionally, I explore augmentation methods that allow users to surpass their capabilities in the real world, such as embodying healthier virtual avatars or non-humanoid avatars to gain unique experiences not possible in reality.


Dr. Yukang Yan is an Assistant Professor in the ROCHCI group in the Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester. Before that, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Augmented Perception Lab, Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. He earned both his Ph.D. and Bachelor’s degree from Tsinghua University. His research focus lies in Human-Computer Interaction and Mixed Reality. He published journals and papers at ACM CHI, ACM UIST, ACM IMWUT, IEEE VR, with ACM CHI 2020 Honorable Mention Award, ACM CHI 2023 Honorable Mention Award, IEEE VR Best Paper Nominee Award. His thesis won Outstanding Doctoral Thesis at Tsinghua University.

Unveiling the Patriarchy: Exploring Homosociality, Homophobia, and Misogyny

Join us for a lecture on “Homosocial, Homophobia, Misogyny: understanding patriarchal society” with sociologist, intellectual feminist activist, and best-selling author Chizuko Ueno from Tokyo University.

Date: Fri, Nov 10th

Time: 10:00 – 11:30 AM BJT

Venue: IB Lecture Hall


日期: 11 月 10 日,星期五

时间:上午 10:00 –  11:30

地点:IB  Lecture Hall


Superdeep Nighthawks: “Trois couleurs: Rouge” (Kieślowski 1994) | Nov 9, 8:24pm

IB 1008 (IB Auditorium)

This week the Nighthawks are showing their true color – one of them, at any rate – with Krzysztof Kieślowski‘s Trois couleurs: Rouge (& food & drink). Thu, Nov 9, 8:24pm, IB 1008 (Auditorium).


Superdeep Nighthawks meet on Thu eve (~8pm till late). For more info, or to submit proposals for the Nighthawks, follow this link; for info on Superdeep more generally, follow this one.

Superdeep is sponsored by DKU’s Humanities Research Center.

The Superdeep Well

The Well is Superdeep‘s joint research & reading group. We meet weekly to discuss work on a shared theme (over coffee, tea, & Pocki chocolates). Everyone (faculty, students, staff, visitors) is invited to attend and to source & draw from the Well.
The Well meets on Tue ~5pm in IB 1017 (Zoom attendance: …conceivable. Reach out for a link).

Inaugural theme: Creatures of Habit. We are considering materials on such issues as practical capacity, skill, & expertise; disposition, habit, & habitus; engrossed coping, flow, effortless or non-action (无为), etc; drawing on contemporary historical sources, across disciplines.*

“Social reality exists, so to speak, twice, in things and in minds, in fields and in habitus, outside and inside of agents. And when habitus encounters a social world of which it is the product, it is like a “fish in water”: it does not feel the weight of the water, and it takes the world about itself for granted.”
(Bourdieu, An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology)

Meeting plan:

    • Tue Dec 5: John Dewey, “The Place…”, up to sec. 4. (“Custom and Habit”)
    • Tue Nov 28: John Dewey, “The Place of Habit in Conduct” (Pt I of his Human Nature and Conduct), sec. 1-3.
    • Tue Nov 21: William James, “Habit” (from his Principles of Psychology); DF Wallace, “This is Water”
    • Tue Nov 14: initial planning meeting

☛ Reach out for access to our Zotero group & copies of readings!

Continue reading “The Superdeep Well”

Gender+ | Revolutionary Women’s Practice to Bury Colonialism

Please join us for an engaging lecture presented by Professor Elizabeth Armstrong on November 7, 2023, from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM at the IB 1047. If you have questions about this event, please email Prof. Megan Rogers, Ph.D.(megan.c.rogers@duke.edu) or Prof. Jesse Olsavsky(jesse.olsavsky@dukekunshan.edu.cn) or Prof. Hyun Jeong Ha, Ph.D.(hyunjeong.ha@dukekunshan.edu.cn).

Light refreshments will be provided.

We look forward to your participation in this enlightening event.

The Professional Divide Between Writing & Language Studies in the US: History, Epistemology, and Implications for DKU

Date and Time: Friday, Nov.3rd 2023 11:00am -noon

Location: AB 2101

Speaker: Dr. Tyler J. Carter w/an addendum by Laura Davies (LCC)

Abstract: Is there a difference between teaching writing as a language and teaching writing as a process? The short answer is yes, there is and this difference matters. In this presentation I will contrast the socio-historical development of (English) writing and language instruction in the United States via a discussion of the development of the audio-lingual approach to language instruction, US higher education reform in the 1960’s, and the development of the process approach to writing. Essentially, I argue, the contrasting epistemological commitments of language and writing studies, perhaps best exemplified by language standards and expressivist writing; in conjunction with the pressures of professionalization, has prevented the consolidation of knowledge across these closely related fields. Broadly, this work has curricular and pedagogical implications for writing instruction as well as implications for the ways our professional commitments shape our teaching and research. As an addendum to this presentation, Laura Davies will discuss how this material relates to the British system of writing and language and why all of this has particular importance within the context of LCC and DKU.

中西太空探索的精神 The Spirit of Space Exploration in China and the West




本次会议将围绕跨学科研究的前沿领域 太空文化(Astroculture) 旨在理解太空时代的文化历史Geppert 2012)。虽然目前的宇宙文化研究侧重于欧美,但近年来对俄罗斯太空时代的研究也有所增加。然而,尽管中国对地外空间有着悠久的文化和科学研究史,对中国方面的太空文化研究却相对较少。我们的会议将致力于填补这一知识上的空缺,将对中国太空探索的文化研究与西方学术界联系起来

各国对太空探索的持续投入证明了太空竞赛不只是为了展示科技实力或体现军事的领先。在西方,征服太空的追求表现了更深层的与太空中神圣存在相遇的欲望,而近来宇宙文化中的宗教因素也吸引了更多学术关注。例如,基于基督教启发的叙事我们的星球描述为一个需要逃脱的堕落之地,亦或者是亟待开拓的新疆。这样的叙事深刻地影响了杰夫·贝佐斯、伊隆·马斯克等致力太空探索的企业家的言辞(Rubenstein 2022)。同样的,学者们也指出太空竞赛在某些新的宗教运动——比如雷尔主义或科学教——的形成中扮演了起到了重要作用





Jeffrey Kripal

Jeffrey Kripal博士在莱斯大学担任哲学和宗教研究部门的主席。具有代表性的基本著作有:《伊沙兰:美国与无宗教的宗教》和《蛇的礼赠:诺斯底主义关于宗教研究的思考》。他被公认为宗教、超自然和不可能性方面的领先理论家

Mary-Jane Rubenstein

Mary-Jane Rubenstein是一位科学和宗教哲学家,著有多本作品,最著名的是Astrotopia: The Dangerous Religion of the Corporate Space Race她在描绘的太空探索的愿景中探讨了摒弃地球殖民此类暴行的可能性,而她的研究也提倡科幻故事更多地关注宇宙自身而非宇宙探索的潜在利益


苏萌,作为起源太空的创始人兼CEO,是当今最重要的太空科学家之一。苏萌教授本科毕业于北京大学物理学院,并于哈佛大学获天体物理学博士,他也是麻省理工学院Pappalardo Fellowship和NASA Einstein Fellowship的获得者。凭借对银河系的泡状结构的发现,他于2014年成为了美国天文学会高能天体物理学最高奖Bruno Rossi Prize最年轻的共同得主。



  • 中外宗教、哲学或文化中的对太空科学家和宇航员的想
  • 中外科幻作品的对未来太空世界的构
  • 外星人与亚洲人/作为外星人的亚洲
  • 亚洲传统思想与文化、以及其对于行星文明和太空文化内涵的影响  
  • 与本次会议主题相关的艺术干预






如有任何问题,请通过邮件联系James Miller <jem122@duke.edu> Ben Van Overmeire <ben.van.overmeire@dukekunshan.edu.cn>