Call for Student Vloggers for the Humanities Research Center

To understand and analyze the experiences of the historic inaugural class of students at Duke Kunshan University the Humanities Research Center (HRC) is launching a pilot project recruiting student fellows to produce regular vlogs on their experience at DKU for the Student Experience Pilot Documentary Project.

Phase 1

In Phase 1, participants in this project will be asked to record weekly vlogs of their experience at DKU based on prompts that they will receive. Students will have the opportunity to meet regularly with fellow vloggers, show clips to each other, and reflect together on their educational experience. This teaching project is designed to help students become faster and better learners and gain as much as possible out of the DKU experience. (In addition, students over the age of eighteen may also consent to participate in a research project in which their video data will be analyzed for research and evaluation purposes). Phase one begins before students arrive at DKU, and finishes at the end of the first seven week class session of the first semester (October 20).

Phase 2

In Phase 2 of the project the directors will select a number of vloggers as undergraduate research fellows. Research fellows will be given funding and training to help turn their vlogs into short documentaries. They will do this during the second session of  the first semeter (October 29 to December 14). The completed films will be exhibited at a film night with prizes awarded for the best film in various categories.


The benefits of participating in this project are:

  • Gain experience in film-making under the guidance of professional film-makers
  • Contribute to the documentation of a historic moment in global education
  • Learn how to conduct humanistic research with fellow students and expert teachers
  • Network with fellow students and professors


All students who participate in this project will be responsible for

  • Attending ethics training and following ethical and privacy guidelines
  • Regular commitment to vlogging
  • Regular commitment to showing work to fellow vloggers for comment in research meetings
  • Participation in ongoing training meetings that may be arranged from time to time

Application Procedure

If you are interested in participating in this exciting project, please apply directly to the administrator of the Humanities Research Center, Ms. Chi Zhang <> by July 31, 2018. You will receive further instructions on how to enroll in the project, and will have the opportunity to join in the research and communications elements of the pilot project, if you wish.

In order to participate you must complete and sign the consent form.

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