A Live Tour of Prehistory: Exploring the Lascaux Cave of Southwest France

Date/Time: Friday, April 7, 6.30p.m.
Location: IB 2071
Zoom: 876 1256 7807
Host: Prof. Emmanuelle Chiocca

In collaboration with DKU Office of Undergraduate Studies and DKU Language and Culture Center, the Humanities Research Center is proud to present a live guided tour of the Lascaux Cave of Southwest France. The participants will be able to ask questions about the cave and its history in this one-time-only event. Snacks and bubble tea will be served to the participants.

Please RSVP to the event here.

Religion+Aliens, with Ben Van Overmeire and James Miller

Religion+Aliens, with Ben Van Overmeire and James Miller
March 21, 6:00-7:30pm
Location: DKU Water Pavilion
*Snacks and drinks provided! Join us!


The Tuesday Night Conversation Series, Religion+X., hosted by Religion+ research group of the Humanities Research Center at Duke Kunshan University, will take place every Tuesday from 6:30pm-8pm and feature DKU religious studies professors James Miller, Tommaso Tesei and Ben Van Overmeire in informal conversation with other DKU professors on a wide range of topics. Snacks and drinks will be provided, and students are warmly invited to join in the conversation with the professors.  Events are planned to be in person, but may be moved online in accordance with Covid policies.

See the line-up for the coming weeks: https://sites.duke.edu/dkuhumanities/religion-group-announces-tuesday-night-conversation-series/

Religion+ Group Announces Schedule for Session 4

The Religion+ research group at Duke Kunshan University is pleased to announce its Tuesday Night Conversation Series, Religion+X.

In session 4 these will take place at the earlier time of 6pm-730pm and feature DKU religious studies professors James Miller, Tommaso Tesei and Ben Van Overmeire in informal conversation with other DKU professors on a wide range of topics. Snacks and drinks will be provided, and students are warmly invited to join in the conversation with the professors.  Events are planned to be in person, but may be moved online in accordance with Covid policies.

Location: Water Pavilion on DKU campus

The  line-up is as follows. Continue reading “Religion+ Group Announces Schedule for Session 4”

Student Report on The Climate Emergency and Tuvalu’s Escape to the Metaverse: Challenging the Complicity of Design in Technological Solutionism

Cody Schmidt, class of 2025 

This event was hosted by HRC’s Citizenship Lab. The Citizenship Lab seeks to understand the transformation of citizenship and the ways in which citizenship is expressed through ecological, temporal, and spatial terms. The full event can be viewed here.

Dr. Nick Kelly and Professor Marcus Foth from the Queensland University of Technology joined Professor Robin Rodd from Duke Kunshan’s Citizenship Lab on March 9th to discuss the role of the metaverse in the politics of climate change. Based on their article published in The Conversation, the two began by explaining Tuvalu’s attempt to save their nation that has turned towards metaverse technologies.  Continue reading “Student Report on The Climate Emergency and Tuvalu’s Escape to the Metaverse: Challenging the Complicity of Design in Technological Solutionism”

Celebrating Women’s History Month: Stubborn Silences: Writing the History of Chinese Women

The following event is a part of Women’s History Month sponsored by the Humanities Research Center and the Arts and Humanities Division.

The Gender Studies Initiative is pleased to announce a guest lecture by Professor Gail Hershatter on Tuesday Mach 20 at 11:30am.

Stubborn Silences: Writing the History of Chinese Women

Date/Time: Tuesday, March 28, 11.30am
IB Lecture Hall
Guest Speaker: 
Professor Gail Hershatter

Abstract: Scholars of women and gender in China have often liked to make the claim that adding a serious consideration of women to our understanding of Chinese history would not be like adding a spice, as in add women and stir, but rather that it would alter the field fundamentally. Have we delivered, collectively, on that claim? And what do we most want our students to learn that could help them to think about the world of the past and the world they inhabit.

Biography: Gail Hershatter is Research Professor and Distinguished Professor Emer. of History at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and a former President of the Association for Asian Studies.  Her books include The Workers of Tianjin (1986, Chinese translation 2016), Personal Voices: China Women in the 1980s (1988, with Emily Honig), Dangerous Pleasures: Prostitution in Twentieth-Century Shanghai (1997, Chinese translation 2003), Women in Chinas Long Twentieth Century (2004), The Gender of Memory: Rural Women and Chinas Collective Past (2011; Chinese translation 2017) and Women and Chinas Revolutions (2019).

XR Lab Presents: Metaverse: Are We Living in a Simulated World?

Date/Time: Thursday, March 16, 3-4p.m.
Location: IB 2025
Guest Speaker: JieKun Song 宋介堃

Biography: Song is an XR enthusiast. Works in XR/Metaverse industry for more than 6 years. Build more than 20 metaverse projects for fortune 500 companies. Also personally published a VR game on Steam.



Linkedin: https://cn.linkedin.com/in/songjiekun

Call for Papers: Women’s History Month Student Paper Workshop

The Gender Studies initiative at DKU will be hosting a workshop on student papers as part of a series of events of the Women’s History Month. We invite student papers in any discipline which addresses the questions and concerns of gender studies broadly. For consideration, please submit an abstract of 150-200 words demonstrating the relevance of gender in the paper. We are particularly interested in the following themes:

  • Gender representation across media
  • Gender and inequality, gender and exploitation, gender and oppression
  • Sexuality and gendered identity formation
  • Feminism
  • LGBTQ+ liberation

Upon acceptance, participants will be required to submit finished papers of around 2000 words prior to the workshop. Each student paper will be paired with a faculty commentator.

Send your abstracts to this email: titas.chakraborty@dukekunshan.edu.cn

The deadline for abstract submission is  March 31, 2023.

Citizenship Lab Presents: On (Self-Destructive) Resistance

Date/Time: Fri, Mar 17, 4pm China time
Zoom ID: 989 6560 8865
Guest Speaker: Prof. Candice Delmas

Abstract: Acts of self-destructive resistance, such as self-neglect, self-immolation, hunger strike, and lip-sewing, which involve self-directed violence, have not caught philosophers’ attention. This neglect makes sense given the methodological assumptions that underwrite philosophers’ approach to resistance, including the tools they use, the goals they set out for their investigation, and what they view as paradigms of resistance. I identify five such methodological assumptions and show that they do not only constitute an obstacle to theorizing self-destructive resistance, but also distort understanding of the very phenomena that philosophers intend to capture, including civil disobedience and violent and non-violent resistance.

Biography: Candice Delmas is an associate professor of philosophy and political science at Northeastern University in Boston, MA, specializing in social, legal, moral, and political philosophy. In 2022-2023, she is a Fellow-in-Residence at the Collegium de Lyon (a French Institute for Advanced Study).

Undergraduate Research Conference Information Session, March 20 at 8pm

The deadline for submitting abstracts for the Undergraduate Humanities Research Conference is March 21, 2023. To help students prepare their abstracts, Professor James Miller, co-director of the Humanities Research Center, will give a information session on Monday 20 March from 8-9pm (Zoom 6952900771).

In the information session you will learn

  • advantages of participating in the conference
  • advantages of presenting a paper at the conference
  • the rules for which types of papers will be accepted and which will be rejected
  • how the selection process works
  • how to write a good title and a good abstract

All students who are considering participating in the conference are strongly encouraged to attend.

Superdeep Nighthawks: “Blade Runner” (Scott 1982; Final Cut) | Mar 9, 9pm

IB 1008 (IB Auditorium)

Session 3 Finals Week – a time to wish for more time; to bring the androids in us to more life; & to revel in Superdeep dreams of electric sheep… Join the Nighthawks for Ridley Scott‘s 1982 Blade Runner (Final Cut, & food & drinks…). Thu, Mar 9, 9 pm, IB Auditorium.

HRC Superdeep Nighthawks meet on Thu eve (9pm till late). Their current screening series, revolving around dreams in film, is hosted in collaboration with the HouTu Research project Unforgotten Dreams.