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Sandridge sets the stage for DSS DH Sandbox Chats

This afternoon we were treated to our very first DH Sandbox Chat. Norman Sandridge joined us to speak about creating a “holistic” online reading experience of Xenophon’s Education of Cyrus (c. 365 BCE).

Norman Sandridge DH Sandbox Chat
Norman Sandridge DH Sandbox Chat

In the course of our conversation, we touched on critically important issues related to digital scholarship: credit, citation, assessment, undergraduate integration into the dh research process, dealing with digital-phobia, collaborative annotation, multi-authored publication, public communication of research, and ‘anchoring’ our innovative methods in the culture(s) in which they are embedded.

Not only did we have a full house but the room was filled with an impressively prestigious crowd. Senior scholars and PhD students from Duke and UNC, as well as eager representatives from the Duke Humanities Writ Large Initiative and Duke University Libraries, came together to join our conversation.

A portion of the DH Sandbox attendees
A portion of the DH Sandbox attendees

After the #dhsandbox presentation and conversation officially ended, attendees occupied the space to mingle, converse, and collaborate. We nearly had to kick them out at the end of the night!

We live-tweeted the event and we’ve storified that for you here: Tweets from #dhSandbox with Norman Sandridge

Many thanks to Norman Sandridge for a wildly successful first DH Sandbox Chat.

Next Up: Hannah Jacobs joins us Wednesday February 4th for our second DH Sandbox Chat and then MARK SAMPLE joins us for a keynote afternoon on February 11.

-Amanda Starling Gould

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