October 15, 2017


Who Are We?

Team Madagascar (“Team Mada”) is a group comprised of undergraduate Duke students from a variety of academic focuses.

Help Us Get to Madagascar:

Donate to #TeamMada and help us get to Madagascar this summer  https://goo.gl/xX7BKK. Our team has to self-fundraise for the project, and we appreciate any support!

About Our Project

In the summer of 2018, Team Madagascar will look to continue a water remediation project (started during the summer of 2017) in Manantenina, Madagascar. We are partnering with the Duke Lemur Center and SAVA Conservation (based in both Durham, NC and Sambava, Madagascar) to connect a pipeline from an uphill groundwater pooling site to the village of Manantenina.
Team Mada is looking to continue the water remediation project from Summer 2017 in Manantenina, Madagascar during the 2018 Summer. Currently, Team Mada is conducting various fundraising initiatives to raise funds for the Summer 2018 trip.

Our Community Partner: Duke Lemur Center-SAVA Conservation

The mission of SAVA Conservation is to encourage biodiversity conservation in the SAVA region by supporting the livelihoods of rural people in forest bordering communities and through collaborations with local environmental organizations and governmental institutions to promote environmental education, reforestation, freshwater fish farms, family planning, fuel-efficient cook stoves, and conservation oriented lemur research projects.
To learn more about the DLC-SAVA Conservation: http://lemur.duke.edu/protect/conservation/sava-conservation/


Team Madagascar will be implementing more piping into the village of Manantenina, Madagascar. Most of the development and design for the project will be done during the duration of the Duke-listed class CEE-315, which is dedicated to the implementation of the engineering design.


Team Madagascar, composed of 7 undergraduate Duke students with various academic focuses, will be designing and implementing the aforementioned project during the upcoming summer under the oversigt of Duke University civil and environmental engineering professor, Dr. David Schaad.

How to Get Involved in Team Mada:

This project is open to Duke University undergraduates. To learn more about how you can support Team Mada and get involved, please contact project leader Rachael Lau (rachael.lau@duke.edu).
Interested in contributing to Team Madagascar and learning more about what we’re up to? Check us out by clicking on the links below!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deidmada/?ref=br_rs
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/deidmadagascar/home