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DEID is hoping to conduct a site assessment trip to Kenya this summer for a future community health center project! We’re looking for 2 freshmen/sophomores for the travel team this summer that would be interested in continuing with the project next year.


DEID members spent this Saturday volunteering. Some volunteered to help with the Pauli Murray Bridge Restoration and others volunteered at the FEMMES+ capstone where they taught students in durham about the engineering process and let them each build little bridges that they designed. Our Uganda team is currently working on their final Design for the secondary school.

Weekly Update: 3/19/23

DEID has a busy upcoming few weeks! We have a Peace Corp Panel GBM on 3/23 from 6-7:30. We also have a service project on 3/25 from 9am-2pm: Pauli Murray Bridge Restoration (at Pauli Murray Place). So far in April we have a Concrete Workshop for the travel team members on 4/7 at 4pm. There will also be an Alumni Networking Event on 4/15 from 9:30-11.

Weekly Update: 3/5/23

The eSwatini team is currently working on finalizing the bridge design! Design managers Franny Lee and Emily Hallock met with our design engineer in charge to compare designs and make some edits to stay conservative of the bridge loadings and material usage. We are scheduled to turn in our final design to Engineers in Action (EIA) on Monday, March 13. In addition to the design work, Cultural Relations managers Maya Reeves and Jack Balint-Kurti are working on finalizing a draft report of the Community Engagement Plan, which details how the travel team will interact with the community, what to do when a conflict or disagreement arises, and how the travel team can prepare before travel. They have also been working on taking an online SiSwati language course and will be starting some workshops after the break! We are super excited now that the travel team has been finalized to get them on boarded to the project! The team has started looking at the bridge construction course and other pre-travel deliverables to get prepared.


Duke Engage decisions came out this week so stay tuned to see our finalized travel team members for this summer! We also had a successful  Candy Gram fundraiser this week!


Check out the meet our team tab to learn more about the members of our executive board and see the headshots that were taken last weekend! There are also fundraisers for both the Uganda and eSwatini team going on this month. More information on both of these fundraisers is under the support tab on the website!

Weekly Update: 2/5/23

In this weeks Exec meeting we discussed our February Fundraiser Candy Grams! The Uganda team also has a February fundraiser. More information on this is under support and Uganda fundraising. We also have a GBM coming up on February 9th!

Bolivia 2020 Weekly Update: 12/01/19

Our team members have been working to complete the bridge program and bridge design education courses provided by Engineers in Action (EIA). These courses help the team better understand our role in relation to EIA and help walk us through the bridge design that we will be completing once assigned a site, respectively. Our fundraising chair is also working through the EIA course for fundraising as we begin our DEID-wide year end fundraiser!

Indonesia 2020 Weekly Update: 11/03/19

We brainstormed designs for a floating toilet! We also talked about fundraising and the upcoming end of year campaign.

West Virginia 2020 Weekly Update: 11/10/19

The project team worked on design calculations, including load calculations for pedestrian live loads, vehicle loads, and transverse wind and water loads.

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