Sorry, I couldn’t resist. On the surface this seems like a very valuable tool for all editors. I like that fact that it is a standalone app, not a plugin. So, in theory, it should work with several different editing applications. Seems as if it’s worth a listen/look. Anyone had any experience with it?
The propaganda goes like this: “Boris Soundbite quickly and accurately finds any word or phrase spoken in recorded media. Video editors, producers, and journalists can instantly play all occurrences of a spoken phrase in their media, then insert the perfect take into their FCP or Premiere Pro project, organize clips around keywords, and even find replacement words for problematic audio. Based on Nexidia’s patented dialogue search technology – which has received accolades from Creative COW, DV Magazine, Post, and others – Boris Soundbite greatly reduces logging and transcription costs and lets you spend your time being creative instead of manually searching hours of video.”
More detailed info can be found on the Boris website: