Duke Chinese Students & Scholars Association

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一年一度迎端午,今年香粽在何处?麻将筑三尺围墙,車马行九路戎疆,逐鹿中原,花落谁家?DCSSA盛情邀请您来到 “庆端午—麻将、中国象棋大赛”!
活 动兹定于6月20日周六于French Family Science Center (FFSC) 正门大厅及 2231 & 2237房间,当地时间1:30 pm 举行。为缅怀中华民族伟大先哲屈原大夫,凡到达现场者均会免费得到可口粽子一枚。之后您可以参加麻将比赛或是三国杀娱乐战。参赛详细规则请见附件。麻将比 赛优胜者将获得“岳阳楼-Happy China”礼券卡。
除此之外,您亦可在品粽之后观赏由DCSSA承办播放的近期国内火爆电影“何以笙箫莫”,追忆青春往事 。
为方便场地及赛事安排,请有意向参赛的人士都填写一下报名表,报名链接请猛戳:https://duke.qualtrics.com/SE/?ID=SV_8tRnvPEGit7t9MF (报名截止日期:6月17日周三晚11:59:59)
Duanwu poster

中印厨艺对对碰 Indo-Chinese Cultural Exchange Event





由杜克中国学生学者联谊会(DCSSA)和 Joint Youth Organization of Indians (JYOTI) 首次联合举办的中印厨艺对对碰活动将在4月26日下午12:00--2:00在Gross Hall隆重举行。活动期间,你可以向观众献上你已经做好的最拿手的菜肴。最终人气最高的菜肴将获得最终的神秘大奖。本次活动欢迎世界各地的选手和观众参加,来一睹两大文明古国饮食文化的灿烂。










Duke Chinese Students and Scholars Association (DCSSA) and Joint Youth Organization of Indians (JYOTI) proudly present the first ever Indo-Chinese cultural exchange event at Duke on 26th February (12-2 pm).

This will include a cooking competition where students can bring their favorite dishes for the audience to taste and judge, and win grand prizes. We will have also traditional Indian and Chinese performances while the audience enjoys delicious home cooked food. We hope that this event will serve as a platform for promoting deeper inter-cultural understanding and friendship among all communities at Duke. We welcome everyone to come and taste delicious food from around the world, make new friends, and learn something new about Indian and Chinese cultures.

If you are proud of your traditional food (any cuisine), love to cook, and would like to share that with other students at Duke, we highly encourage you to participate in this competition (lots of cash prizes to be won!). More details and signup here:


Here are some more details about the event:

– We are expecting a large audience, so we ask you to prepare about 100-200 small servings of your dish, along with rice or bread if necessary.

– Due to the large portion sizes, we recommend making teams

– We will reimburse all expenses for preparing the dishes, up to $40 per team.

– All dishes will be tasted, and voted for by the audience in 3 different categories – Best Dishes, Most Creative Dishes and Most Practical Dishes. So more the quantity of food you bring, higher the chances of people voting for you!

– Unfortunately there will be no arrangement for heating the food at the venue.

Please complete the form above to apply for the competition! There are limited spots available, so we will send out confirmation emails to limited teams. We will also let you know if there are other teams preparing the same dish to allow you to make something else.


Don’t feel like cooking? Just take a study break and join us as the public voters for this awesome event. RSVP here:



DCSSA 3+1 Basketball Game



328(周六)下午2:30-6:00Card Gym (Wilson Gym 进门右转)


报名截止时间:326日(周 四)晚18


姓名: 乔丹 (队长)

院系: CMB






  • 比赛为淘汰赛制,赢取比赛者晋级。
  • 上下半场各8分钟,休息2分钟。得分更多的球队赢。
  • 比赛上场球员可有34人(若为4人球队则必须含有一名女生)。
  • 女生进球得分翻倍 (2 分球算 4 , 3 分球算 6 )
  • 全队半场犯规超过5次以上(含),犯规一次罚球2次。
  • 进攻得分后由另一方发球。
  • 其余规则参照现行半场篮球赛规则。



冠军:100         亚军:60      三,四名: 40


马天野 (919)599-3784

种孟阳  (919)627-3287

DCSSA 3+1 Basketball Game

  • March 28th, 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm, Card Gym
  • Register for free, by March 26th, 6 pm
  • All the players must be Duke students, scholars, employees or their family members
  • Please register by sending the following information to: tm168@duke.edu
    • Captain Name
    • Department
    • Sex
    • Phone
    • Email
    • Other Team Members(Sex)
  • Please include at least three team members (include the captain), personal registration will not be accepted.


  • All the games will be half-courted.
  • This league will be a single-elimination tournament.
  • Each game is divided into two halves of 8 minutes, with 2 minutes a half-time breaks.
  • 3 or 4 players from each team shall be on the playing court. When 4 players from one team are on the court, then at least one of these players must be female
  • If a goal is scored by a female player, the goal counts double points (a two-point goal counts 4 points, a three-point goal counts 6 points)
  • For each team, after five committed fouls, each foul leads to two free throws from their opponent.
  • After each scoring, defense team will hold the ball.
  • The rest of rules are referred to regular half-court basketball rules.

After the registration, DCSSA will email every team the detailed schedule by March 27th, 11:59 pm. Every player need to arrive and check in during 2:10 pm to 2:55 pm. Late check-in will not be accepted.


Championship: $100

Runner-up: $60

Semifinal: $40


Tianye Ma:  (919)599-3784

Mengyang Chong: (919)627-3287

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Welcome to 2015 Lunar New Year Gala!

Dear Duke Students, Faculty and Staff,

The 2015 Lunar New Year is just around the corner as we anticipate a week of festivities in many parts of Asia.

Duke University Chinese Students and Scholars Association (DCSSA) cordially invites you to our 2015 Lunar New Year Gala:

The Lunar New Year is a time of reunion which brings communities together, as marked by special visits to kin, relatives and friends. Come dine with us at the FREE reunion dinner and taste authentic Chinese dishes such as jiaozi (dumplings). This is followed by a New Year Concert that showcases both traditional and contemporary Chinese culture.

Date & Time: Feb 28th 2015 (Saturday)

6pm-7pm: Free Traditional Chinese Dinner

7pm-9pm: New Year Concert

Location: Duke Penn Pavilion (West Campus, 107 Union Drive, Durham, NC27710)

*Also join us for a chance to win prizes in our Raffles ($20 CASH, Pad…)

We want to specially thank K-mix, our sponsor, to provide an iPad as the Ground Prize of our Raffles.

K-mix, the top local karaoke bar aiming to provide the most pleasant entertaining experience.

What to expect:

— Traditional music pieces by instruments such as the Guzheng (Chinese plucked zither)

— Display of Chinese calligraphy (highly prized visual art form since antiquity)

— Performances that showcase the contemporary Chinese culture; incorporating elements from West to East

Free to all but online registration required. Only 300 seats are available on a first come first serve basis. The event will be hosted in both Mandarin and English.






地点:杜克大学西校区Penn Pavilion(107 Union Dr, Durham, NC 27710











Career Development Conference (V) by Asian Focus and CSSFA-NCSU

Career Development Conference (V)

Hosted by Asian Focus and CSSFA-NCSU

Sat. Jan 24th, 2015, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm 

(NCSU, Centennial Campus EBII 1021)

Mann Hall Room 216, 2501 Stinson Dr, Raleigh, NC

Please make a note to arrive on time. CHECK-IN opens at 8:45AM.

Do you want to get fully prepared and make the best of the coming Career Fair in this spring semester? 

Do you know the keys to hiring and job searching?

Are you equipped with the best resume and interviewing skills to stand out above your competitors? 

Come and join us in the annual Career Development Conference to receive first-hand training from CEOs, recruiters and staffing managers.Attend seminars, meet friends, networking and launch your career.

This year’s Career Conference features:

·  Building your personal brand!

·  Build a LinkedIn profile that Rocks!

·  Job Search – Finding the right job to launch your career!

·  The Importance of Networking Correctly

·  Interview Like a Champion

·  Resume and Cover Letter Writing: Tell “Your” Story

For the full list of speakers, please see the attached flyer. 

Free Admission! Registration Required: www.eventbrite.com/e/the-5th-annual-career-development-conference-tickets-14563906035

About Presenters: 

Bill Opal, CEO & Head of Recruitment at Sails-Up, Recruitment On Demand for Corporate Talent Acquisition

Tom Pierce, North America Leader, Talent Acquisition at Lenovo

Nellie Scott, Channel Enablement Manager at SAS Institute

Chris Deshazor, Global Learning Consultant at Lenovo

Mohan Venkataramanr, Chief Technology Officer at IT People

More about the Career Conference: The primary goal of the Career Development Conference is to offer a platform to help job-seekers and graduates be better prepared for entry into the workforce. We do this by encouraging participation from skilled professionals, agencies and sponsors in the promotion of education and diversity. The first Career Conference was introduced in 2010, as a program to help displaced Asian workers better prepare for re-entry back into the workforce. This program was well received and had been hosted annually since. 

If you think this program can be beneficial to you or a college age family member— please join us on Jan. 24th at NCSU. This invitation has been extended to your group and friends!. 

For questions, you can contact Lily Chan <chanlil8@gmail.com>, Xiao Tang  <xtang7@ncsu.edu>, 919-802-7301


Asian Focus, CSSFA and DSSA

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北卡新青年” “NCYoung+” 是一个由CAFANCSU, UNC, Duke三校中国学生学者联合会共同成立的交友俱乐部,旨在为北卡三角区的精英青年们搭建一个沟通的平台,拓展交际空间,交流优质资源,共享品质生活。


本次讲座讲将带你学习职场经验,了解职场需求,把握创业的脉搏,解析求职的奥秘。 如果你想在商海中游刃有余,在职场中脱颖而出,那就赶快报名参加吧! 全程以中文交流为主,并为参与者提供点心方便互动交流。



We invited three outstanding entrepreneurs to guide us on how to achieve your career goals and succeed in the job market.

Date: Saturday January 17, 2015

Time: 1:00 pm-4:00 pm

Location: Schiciano A & B, CIEMAS-Fitzpatrick Center, Duke University



Jack Su 是Fortress Systems International Inc. 公司的创始人,公司以通信服务为主,营销中心和库存中心位于北卡州夏洛特。最近,公司推出的移动视频监视系统为乘客的出行极大了地增加了安全保障(www.fortressmobile.com)。Jack Su 曾供职于Inspur Group Co.(浪潮公司前身),在职期间,由于卓越的贡献,迅速升职为COO。他所参与研发的国内第一台电脑 0520A,集高性能与低价位于一体, 迅速成为国内畅销品牌。


Linxian Wu 于厦门大学获得微生物学学士学位,于阿尔伯特大学获得微生物学与遗传病博士学位,博士毕业之后,在宾夕法尼亚大学医学院进行了分子病毒学和免疫学研究。他不仅有着卓越的学术背景,更在沃顿商学院、斯坦福商学院和巴黎欧洲工商管理学院深入进修了管理知识,在多家跨国公司有资深管理经验。目前供职于RJ Lee Group Inc.担任生物技术与医疗服务、客户需求和商业开发部门主管。


Gang Wang 于清华大学数学系获得学士学位,辅修经济学双学位, 于北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校获得运营管理博士学位和统计学硕士学位,他目前是ApplySquare(www.applysquare.com)的CEO 和创始人。这家公司基于数据库和数据分析等技术为本科生和研究生提供申请服务帮助,以及职业发展帮助。公司首轮融资一百七十万美圆, 目前拥有世界上最大的申请案例和录取结果数据库。其申请平台涵盖48个学校的1156所大学,56个研究领域和18796个研究项目, 未来将成长为一个面向全世界学生的跨国申请平台。


Speakers Biography:

Jack Su, Fortress Systems International Inc. Jack Su is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Fortress Systems International Inc. (www.fsiinc.com), previous Chief Operation Officer at Inspur Group Co. (Formerly LangChao Co.). Fortress Systems Int’l is a regionally based Southeast Distributor with its Sales Center and Warehouse in Charlotte, NC.

Linxian Wu, RJ Lee Group Inc. Linxian Wu holds his Ph.D. in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases from the University of Alberta, Canada. Dr. Wu performed his post-doctoral fellow training in Molecular Virology and Immunology at the Medical College of Pennsylvania. Dr. Wu has been further trained in executive programs at Wharton Business School, Stanford University Business School, and INSEAD in Paris, France. He has extensive senior corporate management experience with companies public and private, and with a US subsidiary of a German conglomerate multi-national corporation.

Gang Wang, ApplySquare. Gang Wang is the Chief Executive Officer and founder of ApplySquare (www.applysquare.com). His company provides application tools and data analysis for college and graduate school applicants, and offers RSS and Social support for academic and career development. In the first round of venture financing, ApplySquare has received 1.7 million dollars funds. ApplySquare is now the largest online database worldwide of application cases and admission results.

Stress Management Workshop Oct. 21, 3pm Perkins 217




第一期讲座内容为应试压力管理,将于周二(10月21日)下午3点在Perkins Library Rm.217举行,届时会有小点心供应,欢迎广大同学前来听讲,由于位置有限,同学们可以通过网页内提供链接进行注册。

C3_2014Fall.pdf (page 1 of 1) at 12.40.23 AM

2014 DCSSA职业发展系列讲座【第三辑】


海投之后渺无音讯?到底什么才是最有效的求职途径?研究显示,超过七成的求职者是通过建立专业的人脉关系找到了工作机会。身为国际学生的你,又如何在相对陌生的文化与语言环境中建立起你的人脉网络?10月 22日 杜克大学DCSSA与New Mind Education合办的第二场求职专场讲座将和大家一起练习建立专业人脉的技巧。讲座全程以中文交流为主,现场与大家模拟练习人脉建立的过程,并提供茶水点心。

主題:除了海投,你还有更好的选择 – Networking Skills Enhancement


地点:Duke University, Perkins Library 217



Dr. Linxian Wu。Dr. Linxian Wu是著名的演讲人和两家跨国公司的前任主席和CEO,他所获得的荣誉包括七项美国专利、两项欧盟专利、一项世界专利,并发表了多篇同行评审学术期刊。他将在演讲中分享身为一位国际学生/专业人士如何透作建立专业的人脉网络帮助他赢得无数的工作机会以及从科学家一路晋升到总裁的历程。




DCSSA is honored to invite New Mind Education to offer a series of free workshops on career development for international students.  For the first workshop, you will learn about how do leverage networking skills to significantly increase your hiring potentials and discover more job opportunities. This workshop takes place on October 22nd, 5:00pm at Perkins Library 217. The lecture will be presented in Mandarin Chinese, and snacks/sandwiches will be provided.

Linxian (Lin) Wu, Ph.D., Senior Global Career Advisor

  • Ph.D. in microbiology and infectious diseases
  • 27 years of experience in hiring and business management
  • Former President and COO of two multinational corporations in the health care industry
  • Adjunct professor of international business and global marketing for 7 years at Elon University’s business school
  • Distinguished speaker on topics of personal branding and career advancement


To sign up for this free event, please go to http://www.newmindedu.com/programs/new-mind-career-edge/ and fill out the registration form at the bottom of the page.


2014 DCSSA职业发展系列讲座 【第二辑】:移民法

Dear all,

We DCSSA are glad to have Jane Xu, from Zhang & Attorneys, L.P. to give us a seminar on Visa, Green card application and Immigration issues. This event is free to attend.

Free Pizza and soft drinks will be served, please register online: http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07e9ufkz6ni049p366/start

Time: Tuesday 10/07, 2014, 6-9pm
Location: Room 127 217, Perkins Library, Duke University
Parking: Bryan Center Vistor Parking or any road-side parking for free

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2014 DCSSA职业发展系列讲座【第一辑】


本学年最大规模的校园招聘即将到来,身为国际学生的你准备好了吗? 想知道你的简历该如何在短时间内吸引招聘人员的目光吗想要专业团队为你做最后的把关吗? 杜克大学DCSSANew Mind Education在本学期继续为中国留学生提供一系列有关在美求职的讲座。98日的第一场讲座将会着重探讨国际学生如何打造吸引雇主的精彩简历。讲座全程以中文交流为主,并提供点心方便大家互动交流。大家可以带简历来现场一起探讨修改喔!


主題备战Career Fair, 打造吸引雇主的精彩简历

时间20140908日下午5:00-6:30 PM

地点Perkins Library 217


  • Lily Yang: Lily Yang 现任Yang International Staffing Company首席执行官。Lily Yang有超过七年的招聘经验,专为全美大型企业寻觅精英人才。
  • Dr. Linxian Wu(吴林先):吴博士拥有十年以上的商业经理经验他将为你剖析一个招聘经理是怎么审视你的简历的。
  • Susan Chuang:美国咨询师管理委员会认证咨询师Susan Chuang将在现场指导你如何一步步地写出你的个人精彩简历。




DCSSA is honored to invite New Mind Education to offer a series of free workshops on career development for international students. For the first workshop, you will learn about how do recruiters and hiring managers review your resume and how could you better prepare an attractive resume step-by-step! This workshop takes place on September 8th, 5:00pm at Perkins Library 217. The lecture will be presented in Mandarin Chinese, and snacks will be provided.


Lily Yang, Senior Recruiter

  • Founder and CEO of Yang International Staffing Company for 7 years
  • Recruited international and local candidates for wide-range of companies across the States
  • Served as supply chain manager and business accountant for IBM and Lenovo for 5 years
  • B.S. in Accounting


Linxian (Lin) Wu, Ph.D., Senior Global Career Advisor

  • Ph.D. in microbiology and infectious diseases
  • 27 years of experience in hiring and business management
  • Former President and COO of two multinational corporations in the health care industry
  • Adjunct professor of international business and global marketing for 7 years at Elon University’s business school
  • Distinguished speaker on topics of personal branding and career advancement


Susan Chuang, M.Ed., Lead Counselor & Associate Director

  • National Certified Counselor
  • Master’s in college counseling and student development
  • Works closely with international students at Duke and N.C. State
  • Developer and facilitator of career skills seminars for over 150 international students
  • Consults more than 200 students individually on various career issues


To sign up for this free event, please go to http://www.newmindedu.com/programs/new-mind-career-edge/ and fill out the registration form at the bottom of the page.


Bring your resume to class and have it polished!

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