群羊辞旧岁,金猴闹新春。2016丙申猴年春节将至,四海华人普天同庆。身为海外游子,思亲念乡之情倍增。无论这是你离家在外过的第几个春节, You are not alone! 杜克大学学生学学者联谊会(DCSSA)将携手杜克学生学者,在2月13日为您奉上一台大型春节联欢晚会盛宴。我们邀请您和您的朋友共庆中国传统农历新年。当然,春节少不了团圆饭 。DCSSA还将届时为您免费奉上美味丰盛的年夜饭,让您在异国他乡依旧能感受到团聚的温暖。

你还在苦于没有合适的时机对心仪的TA告白吗?本次春晚首次特别设置玫瑰时间环节,为杜克小伙伴提供在舞台上浪漫告白的机会! DCSSA全体工作人员将全心全意为您服务,为您营造浪漫的氛围对TA深情表白。让TA看到你的诚意和勇气,让我们一同分享和见证你们的幸福!不要再等待,TA也许就在等着你!(我们还提供浪漫求婚、匿名表白、情侣虐狗等多项服务,您只需注册表中填好您的要求,我们会和您联系,竭诚协助您的浪漫之举!)

6:30pm—7:00pm 中式晚餐
7:00pm—9:00pm 春节联欢晚会

Reynolds Industries Theater,
125 Science Dr., Durham, NC 27708
(Bryan Student Center内)



所有到场观众均有机会参与抽奖活动,获得iPad Mini、Las Vegas 双人四日游*以及现金礼品卡 等大奖**



特别感谢 小猛车记® 智课教育® 悦禾旅游®对本次晚会的大力支持!

* Las Vegas双人四日游包含导游、住宿、部分交通及餐饮费用(不含机票)

** 本活动最终解释权归DCSSA所有

Dear All,

Chinese New Year is approaching soon and we hope that everyone’s new year will start with a fantastic bang! To bring as many friends as possible together and celebrate this traditional Chinese holiday, Duke Chinese Students and Scholars Association (DCSSA) will host the annual Gala on Feb 13th, 2016. Featuring songs, dance performances, comedy skits and many more live shows, the Gala is a variety show on a grand scale. It is a perfect getaway from stress and a great time to experience the richness of Chinese culture.

Down for this show, you are all welcome to join this big gathering. Free dinner will also be provided, so get ready to bring your joyful moods and let’s create an unforgettable night together!

Specialty: The Rose Time

Romantically, DCSSA is also offering an opportunity to confess your love out loud on stage during the show. Will you be my Valentine? If you are expecting a “yes” but hesitate to ask by yourself, it is the right time to tell us and we will guarantee you an awesome arrangement. This can either be public or anonymous. Deadline for this specialevent is Feb 10th, 2016. Registration also follows the main registration link listed below.

Date and Time:
Feb 13th 2016 (Saturday)
6:30pm-7:00pm: Free Dinner
7:00pm-9:00pm: Show Time

Reynolds IndustriesTheater,
Duke University West Campus
125 Science Dr., Durham, NC 27708
(Inside Bryan Student Center)

*Present names will be entered in a drawing to win including an iPad mini, or a Las Vegas 4-day Travel Package (for 2), etc. DCSSA reserves the rights for final interpretation of the event*

Special thanks to the following sponsors for their generous support:

小猛车记® 智课教育® 悦禾旅游®

Free to all but online registration is required. Deadline for registration is Feb 10th, 2016. 300 seats are available on a first come first serve basis. The event will be hosted in both Mandarin and English.

Please copy the following url to a web browser

Wish you all a rewarding and blessed new year,