Duke Chinese Students and Scholars Association,杜克大学中国学生学者联合会,简称DCSSA,是杜克乃至Durham最大的华人组织。我们致力于丰富华人群体的业余生活和为华人学生学者的学业、科研和就业提供信息和帮助。


这里是你展翅翱翔的天空,这里是你扬帆起航的海洋。 在这里,梦想有多大,舞台就有多大。你可以挥洒才干,用知识和热情,印刻属于你的青春徽章。你也可以服务同学,用细致和周到,让心灵碰撞出美丽的火花。事无巨细, 在策划筹备中锻炼自我;人各有异,在团队合作中扩展交往。快来加入学生会吧,我们等的就是你!



DCSSA执委会 2015-16


Dear New Students,

Duke Chinese Student and Scholar Association (DCSSA) invites you to join our student group! DCSSA gathers passionate students from all over Duke with the goal of realizing each and every member’s leadership potential. We wish to create a supportive network that facilitates bonds between Chinese students and also encourage cultural exchange. Here you get to build teamwork and take on projects such as the Chinese New Year Concert and New Students Orientation. We encourage our members to take the initiative and go out there to make new friends, whilst planning and executing DCSSA events.

To join us, please finish qualtrics by scanning the QR code:

Yours Sincerely

DCSSA 2015-16