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Team Project Presentation

Dates, Time, and Location: We 4/9 and Fr 4/11, 3:05 – 4:20 pm in Biological Sciences 130

Slides Submission: Submit your presentation slides as a PDF on Gradescope by 11:59 pm ET on 4/8, the day before the first presentation. Ensure the person submitting tags all other team members.

Presentation Format

Each team will be assigned an 15-minute presentation slot on either 4/9 or 4/11 to present their work. The presentation should last no more than 15 minutes. Practice timing to ensure that your presentation is concise and within the time limit. All team members must participate in the presentation.

The final team project presentation is the culmination of your work, showcasing the entire scope and essence of your project. By this stage, all analysis and experimentation should be complete, and your presentation should reflect the final results and insights you’ve obtained. Your presentation should compile all the results and insights gathered throughout your project. It should tell the complete story of your work, from initial questions to final conclusions, capturing the full scope of your analysis.

All team members must participate in the presentation, with each person focusing on their specific contributions. This is your opportunity to demonstrate teamwork and ensure that each member’s role in the project is clearly highlighted.

Grading: We will focus on how well the team communicates key data insights clearly and engagingly. This includes presenting the main insights with relevant visuals, ensuring all team members contribute, and maintaining a logical structure within the time limit.

Important Note: After your presentation, the remaining period until the final report is due should be dedicated to compiling your results into a well-crafted written report. This post-presentation period is meant for writing, not for conducting additional experiments or analysis. Use this time to refine your narrative, ensure clarity, and finalize your report.