Due Date: April 28 by 11:59 pm ET (No late submissions allowed)
Final Report and Reproducible Code Submission: Submit your final report as a PDF on Gradescope, ensuring that the person submitting tags all other team members. Additionally, include a link to a GitHub repository containing your code in the final report. Ensure that the code is well-organized, readable, and reproducible to receive credit. There is no need to store your dataset in your repository.
Your final report should offer a comprehensive yet concise account of your project. We expect the following elements to be covered:
- Project Motivation and Problem Statement: Clearly explain the motivation behind your project and the problem you aimed to solve. Focus on the key questions you sought to answer and the significance of the insights you hoped to uncover.
- Dataset Description: Provide an overview of your dataset, including its source, structure, and any preprocessing steps. Highlight any unique aspects or challenges related to the data that are crucial to your analysis.
- Data Exploration and Analysis: Describe the methods and techniques you used to explore and analyze the data. Emphasize how you extracted meaningful insights, and include any significant findings, patterns, or trends you identified. Use visualizations and other tools to illustrate your insights.
- Narrative and Insights: Weave a compelling narrative around your findings, discussing the story your data tells. Explain how your insights contribute to a broader understanding of the problem, and highlight the key takeaways and their implications.
- Discussion and Reflections: Reflect on your analysis, discussing any challenges you encountered, limitations of your study, and potential future directions. Offer additional insights or discussions that are relevant to your project.
- Contributions: Include a section detailing the contributions of each team member to the project.
- References: Include a list of all references you consulted or cited throughout your project.
You must use either the LaTeX or the MS Word templates provided here to ensure consistent length across different teams. The final report must not exceed 10 pages, formatted according to the required template. This 10-page limit includes all content such as the main text, figures, and tables; however, references are excluded from this limit. You may include up to 5 additional pages for appendices, but keep in mind that all important information should be in the main report, as the appendices may not be reviewed.
Grading: Your final report will be assessed based on the clarity of the writing, the significance and quality of the insights, the overall technical and analytical quality of the work, and the extent to which the report adheres to the provided instructions.
After the class, we will make all final write-ups available online so that you can review each other’s work. If you do not want your writeup posted, please email us to opt out.