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Extension Request


  • Extensions of up to 1 week may be requested for any reason (but cannot extend beyond the last day of class). You must email Yesenia Velasco ( with a detailed explanation for longer extensions. Requests for extended durations are not guaranteed and will be evaluated case by case.

Important Notes:

  • Extension requests must be submitted before the due date or within the grace period provided.
  • Requests submitted after the grace period will not be considered.

Extension Request Form

Make an Appointment With the Guild Leader (Instructor)

Fill out this form to request a meeting with Yesenia Velasco to discuss any concerns you may have with the course or your progress. This is not meant to help with class activities, but rather to reserve a time to discuss a personal concern you may have, big or small.

Anonymous Comment Box

Use this form to anonymously submit any comments, questions, or concerns you may have.