OhHai Help Instructions

Here is a guide on how to use OhHai to ask office hour questions. 

  1. You can access the application here:  https://uta.cs.duke.edu. After logging in via Shibboleth, you should see your default view, which will be the Answer Questions page:

If you are a student in more than one course, you can select which course to submit a question by using the drop-down menu and clicking the ‘Select’ button:

2. You will not be able to submit a question to a section that is ‘Closed’. Once the desired section changes its status to ‘Open’, you can submit a question by clicking on the submit icon:

This will bring up the Submit Question form modal:

Fill out this form and submit your question.  You are only allowed to submit one question at a time.  Once submitted, you will see your question in the queue as well as what position you are in the queue. 

3. When your question is ready to be answered, a modal window will open:

You should hear a sound when it is your turn to be helped. 

NOTE: The sound might not occur in Chrome if you are using an Apple computer.

4. After your session with the TA has ended, your question should now appear in your ‘Recently Answered Questions’ section. 

There you can rate the performance of the TA in how well they answered your question:

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