
You are welcome and encouraged to collaborate on Prepares, Peer Instructions, and Homeworks. You can find study partners by requesting ones at the beginning of the semester survey, in class, or in the discussion forum. However, you should not “split up” the work and only look at a portion of the material, as this will deprive you and your partner of valuable learning opportunities. Instead, we encourage you to work together actively or each attempt it independently and then come together to discuss. Submitting an identical file/writing/code with your partner(s) is considered a violation of the Duke Community Standard and will be reported to the conduct office. You should also not share your solutions with anyone you do not actually study/work with.

You must complete the exams independently. You should not discuss the exams with any other classmates until after grades have been returned. You may not show your solutions to other students and should not view other solutions. Doing so will be considered violation of the Duke Community Standard.

The group projects will be completed in groups, and while some group members may focus on different aspects of the project, all group members should be actively engaged in the overall project, each doing a fair share of work, and regularly communicating with group members.

Academic Integrity

All participants in this course are expected to uphold the Duke Community Standard; that is, to agree that “…I will not lie, cheat, or steal in my academic endeavors; I will conduct myself honorably in all my endeavors; and I will act if the Standard is compromised.”  In all cases, failure to uphold this standard will result in referral to the Office of Student Conduct.  Any work that copies, paraphrases, or in any other way uses materials not your own without citation will be considered a violation.

Disability Accommodation

Duke University is committed to providing equal access to students with documented disabilities. Students with disabilities may contact the Student Disability Access Office (SDAO) to ensure their access to this course and to the program. There you can engage in a confidential conversation about the process for requesting reasonable accommodations both in the classroom and in clinical settings. Students are encouraged to register with the SDAO as soon as they begin the program. Please note that accommodations are not provided retroactively. More information can be found online at or by contacting SDAO at 919-668-1267,

Long Term Health Issues

If you have or develop a chronic health issue that will interfere with your participation in this course, please contact your academic dean to seek accommodations as directed by Trinity College.

Personal Distress or Emergencies

If a situation of extreme personal distress or an emergency interferes with your participation in this course, please contact your academic dean to seek accommodations as directed by Trinity College.