This post outlines what the in-person exam retakes will be like.

Tell us you are coming by filling out the retake exam form (help save paper)

  • When: Thursday 11/14, 2-5 pm
    • Exam 1 Retake: 2-2:55 pm
    • Exam 2 Retake: 3-3:55 pm
    • Exam 3 Retake: 4-4:55 pm
    • (We will likely have a standard deviation of 5 minutes around these times, but we will not start early)
  • Where: Physics 130 (usual lecture room)
  • There are three in-person exam retakes. One for each of the midterm exams.
  • Each retake will cover only the original modules covered by that exam. See the calendar or the original exam logistics posts for that information.
  • You are allowed one helper sheet per exam. You can only have one out per exam if you bring multiple to use on different exams.
  • Each exam will be 55 minutes long.
    • If you have an SDAO accommodation, you need to schedule a time with the testing center. Multiply 55 minutes with your extra time and the number of exams you plan to retake. We will handle merging the exam pdfs into a single “exam” retake.
  • The exams have been scaled down regarding the number of questions to accommodate this new time limit. The points were redistributed so that the assessed concepts are still worth about the same.
  • There will be no regrade window due to the necessary turnaround time for submitting grades. If you wish to discuss your grade, you must email Prof. Stephens-Martinez.

Specific information

  • Exam 1 Retake
  • Exam 2 Retake
    • Bring your calculator. You can have it out for Exam 1 and 3 Retake, but it is not required.
    • We will provide a reference sheet again.
    • See Exam 2 logistics for any other information.
  • Exam 3 Retake
    • Bring a calculator if you want to.
    • The front of the exam will have the precision, recall, and accuracy formulas for your reference.
    • See Exam 3 logistics for any other information.