- Prepare (due Su 10/16)
- Content below
- Sakai quizzes
- Peer Instructions – See on the class forum [Link TBD]
- Homework (due F 10/21) [Notebook]
- Worked Example [Notebook]
07.A – Relational Database (24 min.)
- SQL Querying (21 min.)
- SQL with Python and Pandas (12 min.)
Optional Supplements
- SQLite Command Line Interface If you have a Mac/Linux machine, you should already be able to launch by just entering “sqlite3” in a terminal. If you have a Windows machine, you can download the command line interface from the Precompiled Binaries for Windows on the SQLite download page.
- Python SQLite3 API Documentation
- Pandas SQL Documentation
- w3resource SQLite Tutorial
- Database Schema Visualizer