Bryan Baines, RPh

Bryan Baines, RPh has established a working relationship within North Carolina State University School of Veterinary Medicine to assist Duke PI’s in connecting with the veterinary faculty to access companion animals who can both benefit from the Duke research, while simultaneously assisting the Duke researchers in translating their findings beyond, into humans. He continues to explore this field to further expand on such opportunities on behalf of Duke. He is responsible for managing Duke’s portfolio in the areas of oncology and pulmonary/asthma. He brings to the Office of Licensing & Ventures broad knowledge and business experience in the biopharmaceutical industry including a senior executive management position with Ockham Development Group (ODG) consisting of responsibilities in product development, marketing and sales. Baines served in business development roles with PPD Development, including oversight of PPD’s U.S. sales force resulting in $800 million in annual sales. Baines augmented his experience in pharmaceutical sales and marketing with Eli Lilly & Company, and project management expertise at AAI Pharma with a concentration in product formulation, manufacturing, and testing. Baines received his BS in Pharmacy from the School of Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.