Adopted Children PUMS Extract
To analyze adopted children I’ve extracted the respondents in the 2000 Census 5% PUMS who have a child in either foster care (relate=20) or who is adopted (relate=4). The data (adoption_pums.dta)Â is in STATA format.
Zip Business Patterns
The 2000 Zip Business Patterns produced by the Census Bureau (establishments counts by zip code and NAICS code at the 6 digit level) which you can download in Stata format (this is a 13MB file).
Isolated Town Data
I’ve developed a data set of Isolated Towns in the United States, following the ideas of Bresnahan and Reiss. I’ve also selected all zips codes within a certain area, so that you can develop your own data on entry in conjunction with the zip business patterns say. To find out how this data was constructed, read the technical description .
Isolated Places in the United States and Zip Codes within a certain area in CSV
Isolated Places in the United States and Zip Codes within a certain area in Stata Format
Adjacent County Data
I’ve also developed some data on counties located near other counties. In particular, I list the counties which are adjacent, within 10 miles of another county and within 20 miles of another county.
County Neighbors (adjacent, 10 miles, 20 miles) in CSV
County Neighbors (adjacent, 10 miles, 20 miles) in Stata format