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Bylaws of the Center for Molecular and Biomolecular Imaging

Article 1: Name and Purpose

  1. The name of the Center is the Center for Molecular and Biomolecular Imaging, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
  2. The activities of the Center include presentation of a seminar series, administration of shared instrumentation, and other functions that promote teaching, basic and translational research, and technology transfer in Molecular and Biomolecular Imaging.
  3. The Center for Molecular and Biomolecular Imaging is a multidisciplinary Program that integrates activities in engineering, the life sciences and medicine. Participating faculty are based in Departments across the University, including basic science departments (such as Chemistry, Physics, and Biology), engineering departments (such as Biomedical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering) and medical school departments (such as Biochemistry and Radiology); this list is meant to be representative, not exclusive. The Program emphasizes research, education and interactions with industry. The focus of the Program is upon imaging technologies, from the subcellular level to preclinical (animal) and clinical (human) studies in biological systems. Such work spans the most basic research to direct research applications and implementations in medicine and health care. It may also incorporate significant thrusts in non-biological imaging.

Article 2: Membership

  1. Center faculty members have primary and/or secondary appointments in degree granting Departments in Duke University or in clinical Departments within Duke University Medical Center. The research interests of the participating departments cover a wide range of fundamental and applied topics.
  2. Prospective Center members are nominated by the existing membership to the Steering Committee of the Center. Nominees submit a curriculum vitae and a letter of intent. Membership approval is based upon four factors: (1) vigorous research program; (2) collaborative research activities with existing members and/or interest in developing such collaborations, including introduction of new scientific and technological methodologies; (3) dedication to graduate research training; and (4) sincere interest in conducting cross-disciplinary research on the boarders of science, engineering and medicine. Members are approved by the Steering Committee for periods of three years. Continued membership in the Center is based upon the same four factors as initial appointment.

Article 3: Directorship, Duties, and Term of Office

  1. The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and the Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies jointly oversee the Center and its Director(s).
  2. The Center is managed by a Director or Co-Directors, and an Administrative Manager. The Director(s) and his or her assistant are responsible for the daily management, operation, and administration of the Center and its activities.
  3. The initial director will be selected by the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and the Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies in consultation with relevant deans.  The initial Director will serve a term of five years to establish the Center, with an option of extending the appointment another two years by majority vote of the Center Steering Committee.  Subsequently, the Center Director will be selected by a majority vote of the Center Steering Committee from nominations submitted by Center members. Directorship appointments are approved jointly by the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and the Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies in consultation with relevant deans. When the Directorship is due for renewal, members of the Center are invited to make recommendations for a new Director in writing to the Steering Committee. Ordinarily, subsequent terms for the Director will be three years.
  4. Center members are canvassed annually by the Director(s) for suggestions to improve the Center.

Article 4: Advisory Boards

  1. The Steering Committee helps formulate planning for the Center, and reviews progress. It approves and reviews Center membership and approves the awarding of certificates to students (should a certificate program be established). The Steering Committee also oversees the planning of symposia, partnerships and internship training in industry, ethics training and the seminar series. The committee consists of the Director(s), who chair the Steering Committee; at least one representative from the Pratt School of Engineering, at least one from Trinity College, and at least one from the Duke Medical Center. The initial committee will be selected by initial director, in consultation with the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and the Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies.  Steering Committee membership consists of renewable three year terms. Members of the Steering Committee are nominated to the Director(s) by Center membership, and final selections are made by two-thirds majority vote of the existing Committee. Members of the Steering Committee serve renewable three year terms. They are expected to participate actively in the affairs of the Center, and to serve as chairs of such sub-committees as may be established by the Steering Committee.
  2. The Steering Committee also appoints a Director of Graduate Studies for the Center, a Coordinator of Industrial Internships, and a Coordinator of the Annual Symposium.
  3. An External Advisory Board advises the Center on programs and policy. Members of the External Advisory Board are recruited from several professions, including industry, other academic institutions, government and medicine. The Board is chosen by the Steering Committee.

Article 5: Meetings

  1. Any two members of the Steering Committee or the Director(s) may call a meeting of the Steering Committee.
  2. The Steering Committee meets at least four times per year.
  3. The Center holds an annual Symposium, which focuses upon critical issues in one or more areas, including education, research, and technology transfer.
  4. The External Advisory Board meets at least once per year, at the annual Symposium.

Article 6: Amending Bylaws

  1. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members of the Steering Committee. Recommendations for amending these bylaws may be made by the Center Director(s) or members of the Steering Committee. The Center membership may propose amendments to the Center Director(s) or members of the Steering Committee for consideration.
  2. These bylaws and the governance of the Center must be consistent with guidelines for Centers at Duke University.