- “Racial Gaps in Federal Flood Buyout Compensations,” with Kay Jowers and Lala Ma. (working paper)
- “The Damages and Distortions from Discrimination in the Rental Housing Market,” with Peter Christensen. NBER WP # 29049 (w29049)
- “Racial Discrimination and Housing Outcomes in the United States Rental Market,” with Peter Christensen and Ignacio Sarmiento-Barbieri. NBER WP # 29516 (w29516)
- “Displacement and the Consequences of Gentrification,” with Ashley Qiang and Wen Wang. (working paper)
- “Housing Precarity and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impacts of Utility Disconnection and Eviction Moratoria on Infections and Deaths Across US Counties,” with Kay Jowers, Nrupen Bhavsar, Qihui Hu and Julia Marshall. NBER WP #28394 (w28394).
- “Collateral Damage: The Impact of Shale Gas on Mortgage Lending,” with Yanyou Chen, James Roberts, and Ashley Vissing. NBER WP # 29494 (w29494)
- “Cool Cities: The Value of Urban Trees,” with Lu Han, Stephan Heblich, and Yanos Zylberberg. (working paper)
- “The Role of Information in the Rosen-Roback Framework,” with Xuwen Gao and Ran Song. NBER WP #28943 (w28943).
- “Frictional Sorting,” with Wenquan Liang and Ran Song. NBER WP #27643 (w27643).
- “Learning by Viewing? Social Learning, Regulatory Disclosure, and Firm Productivity in Shale Gas,” with T.Robert Fetter, Andrew Steck, and Douglas Wrenn. NBER WP #25401 (w25401).
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