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Enze Ma
跨越半球—来自中国的三位知识分子的奋斗历程。在此影片中,三个成功华人的故事为我们展示了在美国的新一代华人的风采。 Cross cultures –the struggle of three intellectuals from China. In this video, three successful Chinese immigrants tell their stories to help usunderstand the development and growth of theChinese cultural style in America.
赵睿琦:陶錦碩是一个八十多岁退休的化学工程师。他住在旧金山。 Jinshuo Tao is a retired chemistryengineer who is over 80 years old. He lives in San Francisco. 赵淑雯:逄建华是大陆杭州来的。她一九八九年移民到美国。她以前是一个工程师但是现在她不工作。她住在俄勒冈州。 Jianhua Feng is from Hangzhou in mainland China. She immigrated to USA in 1989. She was an engineer but she does … Continue reading
Chengyuan Wang
“吕女士和梁女士都在美国住了二十多年了。我们询问了她们来美国以后的困难,收获, 生活和工作等情 况。” Ms. Lu and Ms. Liang both lived in USA for over 20 years. We asked their difficulties, achievements, life, and work experience after they came to USA.
Anna Li
We interviewed three people, Jason Yi Li who is the founder of English Learning Institute in Chapel Hill, Jason (our classmate)’s mom, and an anonymous person.
Angela Chen & Sarah Yang
This video interviews two Chinese immigrant couples and asks them questions regarding their experiences with immigrating and living in America. One anonymous couple runs a Chinese restaurant, and the other couple, Zhou Yang and Jiahui Zhang, are engineering consultants and chief scientists, respectively. 在这影片里,我们问了两华侨夫妻一些问题关于他们移民和生活在美国的经验。一对匿名 夫妻在美国开了一家中国餐馆,另一对是扬州和张家慧。扬州是个工和咨询师,张家慧是 个总科学家。
Alex Mao
这个视频的前一部分柴房两个从中国北方来的移民。他们有不同的原因来美国但是在美国面 对的困难都很接近。 The first half of the video follows the story of two immigrants from northern China. They both came to the United States for different reasons but both faced similar obstacles after immigrating. 这个视频的后一部分柴房一个从长沙来的移民。他来到美国的原因是找工作,在美国经历过 很多困难。 The second half of the video … Continue reading