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Community of Scholars (CoS)

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Duke’s Community of Scholars (CoS) seeks to connect trainees, share educational resources, and increase program efficiencies to enhance the career development of diverse scholars across Duke, enabling them to become successful researchers, mentors, and leaders. 

Program activities include:

  • Connecting scholars with resources, opportunities, and each other to build a robust and diverse support network.
  • Facilitated workshops to promote research independence
  • “CoS keeps you informed” mailing list about events and opportunities
  •  Strengthening connections among career development programs

The CoS is not a didactic program but serves as a resource for Career Development Scholars and Programs. CoS currently holds events bringing together K-like Career Development Scholars 2-4 times per year for networking and learning.

ELIGIBILITY. This program is for…

  • Scholars with a career development award that includes funding for a research project, protected time, and a formalized mentor relationship
  • Scholars can be Post Docs, fellows, and faculty

For questions, contact stephanie.molner@duke.edu.  


This program was established in 2018 and is housed within the Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute. This program is currently funded by: 

  • Duke Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute
  • Duke University
  • Duke University School of Medicine

For questions about funding and other forms of support for this program, contact: