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CFP: Science, Religion and Culture-Open Special Issue: Cross-cultural Studies in Well-Being


Special Issue Title: Cross-cultural Studies in Well-Being

Final Submission Deadline: September 1, 2017 (500 word proposals will be received until October 15, 2016)

Guest edited by: Prof. Owen Flanagan and Dr. Wenqing Zhao, The Center for Comparative Philosophy, Duke University, Durham, NC USA 27708


Call for a Blog Post

Call for short essays on new International Blog “Varieties of Well-Being”:

The Seasonal Question for Summer 2016 is: Is there a specific virtue that you see as not emphasized enough in your cultural tradition (either the tradition you grew up with or are living in right now) and yet you think is key to happiness and flourishing? Specific examples are welcomed.

Please send your essay, a picture, and a one-sentence biography to Dr. Wenqing Zhao (wenqing.zhao@duke.edu) as soon as possible but by 31 August 2016 at the latest.
